
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:4A09



Light Scattering by Silicon NanoWires ? Explanations of the Ignition Phenomenon by Analyzing Near-Field Energy Distribution

Hao-Yuan She,  Guang-Yuan Si,  Le-Wei Li,  


Publication Date:2008/10/27

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The ignition of silicon nanowires when exposed to a camera flash has been reported [1]. The temperature needed for ignition is very high (T>1500°C). It has been discovered that the phenomenon can be explained by the classical Maxwell equations [2]. An S-wave resonance mode with (where m is the order of Mie scattering series) is found to enhance the visible light (ranging from 400nm to 7000nm) absorption greatly. If the silicon nanowires are placed in inert gas environment, no ignition was observed. So it was believed that the silicon nanowires absorbed enough energy which is high enough for their ignition from the flash. But we should notice that the oxygen only touches the surface of the silicon and the reaction Si+O2 SiO2 happens at the surface of the silicon nanowires. And the energy should be calculated by Poynting Vector. So in this paper, we propose another way of analyzing the problem by calculating the near-field distribution. The results we derived match very well with the phenomenon observed.