
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:2WD1



Scattering Analysis of a Formation of Ships Using Parallel Higher Order Method of Moments

Xun-Wang Zhao,  Yu Zhang,  Hong-Wei Zhang,  Sio-Weng Ting,  Hang Su,  Chang-Hong Liang,  


Publication Date:2010/11/23

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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As is well known, the bottleneck with the method of moments (MoM) for the solution of integral equations relates to the O(N3 ) solution time and O(N2 ) memory storage requirements of direct solution, where N is the number of unknowns. To reduce the overall time and memory requirements, various fast algorithms such as the conjugate gradient fast Fourier transform (CGFFT), adaptive integral method (AIM), and fast multipole method (FMM), have been developed. These algorithms reduce the CPU time for carrying out the matrix-vector product in the iterative loop from O(N2 ) down to O(N1.5 ) and O(N log N) . However, when dealing with targets with thin structures and complex materials, these algorithms may have a very slow rate of iterative convergence or a trend of divergence even if preconditioners are employed. On the other hand, with the development in computer hardware capabilities, massively parallel computing on computer clusters and multi-core processors has been the method of choice for solving modern engineering and science problems arising from extremely complicated real-life applications [1]. In this paper, we analyze the scattering properties of a formation of ships by using the pure MoM. The application of MoM is greatly extended by taking advantage of the higher order basis functions (HOBs) and the parallel out-of-core technique [2-6]. Unlike fast algorithms, the proposed method does not lose any accuracy of MoM for reducing memory requirement and improving simulation efficiency.