
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


Session Number:B2L-D



Robust Detection of Surface Myoelectric Signal Using a Nonlinear Device Network for Intuitive Man-Machine Interface

Yuki Inden,  Kento Shirata,  Seiya Kasai,  


Publication Date:2016/11/27

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Robust myoelectric signal detection using a nonlinear device network and its application to man-machine interface are investigated. The detection system includes the Schmitt trigger network for detecting weak myoelectric signal using stochastic resonance effect together with multiple surface electrodes made of the carbon nanotube composite papers. The system can robustly detect the signal even with extra motion of the body, whereas the conventional system suffers from large noise and cannot distinguish the signal in such case. The robot arm implementing the SR-based detection system is successfully controlled by the gesture of the subject even with his extra motion.