
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:1D2a



Optimisation of wide angle scanning antennas by genetic algorithms; application to reflector antennas for automotive radars at 76 GHz

Gabrielle Landrac,  Eddy Jehamy,  Michel Ney,  


Publication Date:2006/11/2

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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This paper presents the application of genetic algorithms for the optimisation of millimetre-wave antennas for automotive radars, for which maximum compactness is required. The objective is the determination of the profile of a reflector in order to enhance the scanning angle while keeping low side lobe levels. This study calls for aberration theory and calculation of the phase error by geometrical optics (GO). The minimum cumulative phase error is obtained through the application of genetic algorithms (GA) and the radiation patterns are calculated by physical optics (PO). Finally, a scanning angle from ?30° to 30° with side lobes below -20dB is achieved with a high compactness (F/D=0.4; D=15λ), hence meeting requirements for application to automotive radars.