
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications


Session Number:16-AM2-A



Distributed Power Control for Cooperative Networks

Young-Keum Song,  Dongwoo Kim,  


Publication Date:2008/10/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In wireless communication systems, transmitted power is regulated to provide each user an acceptable connection by limiting the interference caused by other users. We consider power control in a cooperative mobile-to-base communication system consisting of multiple sources, multiple relays and a base as a destination. This paper introduces two power control scenarios. One is the case of fixed source power and relay gain control(FSP-RGC), the other is simultaneous control for source power and relay gain(SC-SPRG). For the above two scenarios, distributed power control algorithms are provided, respectively. We prove that the proposed algorithms are standard and consequently they converge to a fixed point, respectively. Numerical simulation shows that FSP-RGC converges faster than SC-SPRG.