Information and Systems-Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication(Date:1998/05/15)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Legal Sentence Generation from Logical Expressions of Legal Matters

Shinji YOSHIMURA,  Hidetoshi NAGAI,  Teigo NAKAMURA,  Hirosato NOMURA,  

[Paper #]
Morphological Analysis of a Japanese Senetence by Bunsetsu-based Cost Minimum Method

Yasuaki HYOUDO,  Takashi IKEDA,  

[Paper #]
Automatic Generation of Dependency Rules for Japanese Noun Phrases with Particles"no"

Shinji NAKAI,  Satoru IKEHARA,  Satoshi SHIRAI,  

[Paper #]
Acquisition of Semantic Relations of Japanese Noun Phrases"NP`no'NP"by using Statistical Property

Shosaku TANAKA,  Yoichi TOMIURA,  Toru HITAKA,  

[Paper #]
Transfer Method of Japanese Compound Nouns into English by Using DP Matching

Naomi INOUE,  Masami SUZUKI,  Kazuo HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]
Incremental Parsing of Grammatically Ill-Formed Sentences

Yoshihide Kato,  Shigeki Matsubara,  Katsuhiko Toyama,  Yasuyoshi Inagaki,  

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