Information and Systems-Neurocomputing(Date:2023/01/28)

On a method to speed up live fractal/chaos generation

Yoichi Nagashima(SUAC),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-87,NC2022-71
Revisit on Computations for Bifurcation Problems-a follow-up

Tetsushi Ueta(Tokushima Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-88,NC2022-72
Proposal of a Backpropagation-based Prediction Method of the First Two Places in a Boat Race

Ayato Tanabe(Kagawa Univ.),  Haruna Matsushita(Kagawa Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-89,NC2022-73
Variable Notch-Frequency Digital Filters with Guaranteed Stability

Tian-Bo Deng(Toho Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-90,NC2022-74
Development and evaluation of an accurate state-of-charge estimation method for batteries with hysteresis

Keiichirou Suzuki(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Lei Lin(Daiwa Can Company),  Masahito Arima(Daiwa Can Company),  Masahiro Fukui(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-86,NC2022-70
Performance evaluation of success-history based parameter adaptation for differential evolution for multi-objective optimization problems

Yusuke Matsuzaki(NIT),  Jun Adachi(NIT),  Takafumi Matsuura(NIT),  Takayuki Kimura(NIT),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-81,NC2022-65
Study on minimal diagonal line length effect on recurrence quantification analysis.

Nina Sviridova(TUS),  Tohru Ikeguchi(TUS),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-83,NC2022-67
On Posting Poster Problem for Public Office Election

Tohru Ikeguchi(TUS),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-91,NC2022-75
Effects of positive mood change on the music preference and the music preference-related EEG

Erina Abe(Kyutech),  Kiyohisa Natsume(Kyutech),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-92,NC2022-76
A Study of Adaptive Allocation of Aggregated Lithium-ion Batteries Considering Charge-Discharge Efficiency

Masahito Arima(Daiwa Can),  Masahiro Fukui(Ritsumeikan),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-85,NC2022-69

Atsuya Tamakoshi(Chukyo Univ.),  Hiroyuki Asahara(Okayama Univ. of Sci.),  Shu Karube(NIT, Oita College),  Takuji Kousaka(Chukyo Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-84,NC2022-68
Development of Mathematical Model of Coupled Oscillators with Phase-Difference Propagation Phenomenon

Takeshi Kasai(HIT),  Masayuki Yamauchi(HIT),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-94,NC2022-78
Study of waste heat recovery system for water-cooled engine

Hiroyuki Asahara(Okayama Univ. of Science),  Chihiro Kondo(Okayama Univ. of Science),  Yoshihisa Mori(Okayama Univ. of Science),  Satoshi Aoki(Okayama Univ. of Science),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-82,NC2022-66
The boredom and electroencephalography induced during 1-back working-memory task

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi(KIT),  Kiyohisa Natsume(KIT),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-93,NC2022-77
Indoor air quality prediction using multi-reservoir echo state network with attention mechanism

Wenrui Qiu(UTokyo),  Gouhei Tanaka(UTokyo),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-106,NC2022-90
Predictions and Attentions Acquired by Vision Transformer with Source-Target Attention from Dilated Convolutions on Small Data Sets

Tatsuki Shimura(Yamaguchi Univ),  Katsumi Tadamura(Yamaguchi Univ),  Toshikazu Samura(Yamaguchi Univ),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-104,NC2022-88
Evaluation of SNN simulator SULI for LSI development

Yujiro Kozaki(Kumamoto Univ),  Kei Sakamoto(Kumamoto Univ),  Masahiro Iida(Kumamoto Univ),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-101,NC2022-85
Continuous Value Control of Robot with Reservoir Actor-Critic Model

Koutaro Minato(Future Univ Hakodate),  Yuichi Katori(Future Univ Hakodate),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-103,NC2022-87
Velocity dependence of asymmetric center-of-mass trajectories by unilateral above knee amputees

Ryotaro Kimura(TUAT),  Hikaru Yokoyama(TUAT),  Ken Takiyama(TUAT),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-95,NC2022-79
Predicting wind speed and direction using nature dynamics from movie data

Takumi Aita(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Hiroyasu Ando(Tohoku Univ.),  Yuichi Katori(Future University Hakodate),  

[Paper #]NLP2022-100,NC2022-84
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