Information and Systems-Computer Systems(Date:1997/03/19)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
An Approach for Continuous Media Object in the Keio-MMP Project

Keizo FUJII,  Hideyuki TOKUDA,  Nobuo SAITO,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-112
An Experimental Implementation of Scalable Multiprocessor Real-Time Kerne1

Cai-Dong Wang,  Hiroaki Takada,  Ken Sakamura,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-113
MidART : Middleware and Network Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Industrial Applications

Ichiro MIZUNUMA,  Nobuyuki MATSUOKA,  Satoshi HORIIKE,  Morikazu TAKEGAKI,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-114
Real-time Scheme System with Timed-GC

Hiroshi Sasaki,  Takayasu Ito,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-115
An Evaluation of Realtime Performance of Parallel Lisp Equipped with Parallel Garabage Collector

Yoshio Tanaka,  Eiko Tanaka,  Toshihiro Matsui,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-116
A Parallel Hardware Emulation System for Real-Time Para1le1 Architecture Research

Yoshinori YAMAGUCHI,  Kenji TODA,  Kenji NISHIDA,  Eiichi TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-117
Preliminary performance evaluation of the interconnection network of the real-time paralle1 system CODA

Kenji TODA,  Kenji NISHIDA,  Eiichi TAKAHASHI,  Yoshinori YAMAGUCHI,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-118
A Functionally Distributed Responsive Micro Controller for Parallel Real-time Processing

Nobuyuki Yamasaki,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-119
In-body LAN and external computer system of ETL-Humanoid

Youichi Ishiwata,  Akihiko Nagakubo,  

[Paper #]CPSY96-120


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