Information and Systems-Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing(Date:2019/02/22)

Legal Protection of Data

Makoto Koike(MK Microwave),  

[Paper #]AI2018-38
Matching and Visualization Tool to Support Encounters between Data Providers and Users

Teruaki Hayashi(UT),  Aki Ando(ABeam),  Satoshi Tachibana(ABeam),  Akira Akaishi(ABeam),  Yukio Ohsawa(UT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-42
Worldwide Trend of Data Market Businesses in Japan, the United States, Europe, and China

Teruaki Hayashi(UT),  Yutaka Oguchi(NRC),  Shoji Tobisawa(BR&M),  Yukio Ohsawa(UT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-37
Data Classification by Reducing Bias of Domain-oriented Knowledge Using Data Jackets and Word2vec

Masahiro Senda(NU),  Daiji Iwasa(UT),  Teruaki Hayashi(UT),  Yukio Ohsawa(UT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-43
Open standard and opened standardization process

Yoshiaki Fukami(Rikkyo Univ.),  

[Paper #]AI2018-39
Active Inference of Variable Labels Using Annotation to Some Variable Labels in Data Jackets

Hiroo Iwanaga(UTokyo/NTT DATA MSI),  Teruaki Hayashi(UTokyo),  Yukio Ohsawa(UTokyo),  

[Paper #]AI2018-44
Analysis of structural changes in domestic stock market

Yoshiki Kishi(UT),  Teruaki Hayashi(UT),  Yukio Ohsawa(UT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-47
Circumstance of Data Oriented Co-Creation Using Data Jacket and Blockchain

Akihiro Terashima(FUJITSU),  Yusuke Ejiri(FUJITSU),  Eiji Ikeda(FUJITSU),  Hiromichi Sasaki(FUJITSU),  

[Paper #]AI2018-40
Evaluation of the similarity between data jackets based on data users' recognition

Nao Uehara(UT),  Teruaki Hayashi(UT),  Yukio Ohsawa(UT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-41
Attempt to distinguish pattern of motion on bed in nursing care situation by machine learning

Yohei Kayano(Nagoya City Univ.),  

[Paper #]AI2018-49
Data Selecting Method for Consensus Building among Stakeholders with Extended Goal Graph

Noriyuki Kushiro(KIT),  Masafumi Ifuku(KIT),  Yusuke Aoyama(KIT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-52
Estimation of Tags using Various Data for Online Video Sharing Sites

Hiroki Sakaji(U-Tokyo),  Akio Kobayashi(AIP),  Masaki Kohana(Ibaraki Univ.),  Yasunao Takano(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  Kiyoshi Izumi(U-Tokyo),  

[Paper #]AI2018-50
Automatic Ontology Generation from Japanese Dictionaries

Kentaro Tanabe(UEC),  Ken Kaneiwa(UEC),  

[Paper #]AI2018-45
Mining Semantic Patterns from Dependency Trees of Japanese Sentences

Ryo Suzuki(The Univ. of Electro-Communications),  Ken Kaneiwa(The Univ. of Electro-Communications),  

[Paper #]AI2018-46
Analysis of Big Earthquake Precursors by Accumulated Energy

Kota Takemura(UT),  Teruaki Hayashi(UT),  Yukio Ohsawa(UT),  

[Paper #]AI2018-51
Constructing the time segment analysis method for planning strategies in supermarket

Makoto Naraoka(The Univ. of tokyo),  Teruaki Hayashi(The Univ. of tokyo),  Yukio Ohsawa(The Univ. of tokyo),  

[Paper #]AI2018-48