Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Security(Date:2007/05/11)



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The 128-bit Blockcipher CLEFIA

Taizo SHIRAI,  Kyoji SHIBUTANI,  Toru AKISHITA,  Shiho MORIAI,  Tetsu IWATA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-1
Some experiments on the mini-model of the pseudorandom number generator MUGI

Dai WATANABE,  Toshinobu KANEKO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-2
Correction of "Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block" Included in NIST Randomness Test Suite

Kenji HAMANO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-3
A Fast (4,n)-Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme Using Exclusive-OR Operations, and Its Extension to (k,n)-Threshold Schemes

Jun KURIHARA,  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO,  Kazuhide FUKUSHIMA,  Toshiaki TANAKA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-4
(k,n) Threshold Schemes Using XOR Operations

Yoshihiro FUJII,  Kouya TOCHIKUBO,  Norikazu HOSAKA,  Minako TADA,  Takehisa KATO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-5
Birthday Paradox for Multi-Collisions

Kazuhiro SUZUKI,  Dongvu TONIEN,  Kaoru KUROSAWA,  Koji TOYOTA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-6
Security of delegation using proxy-key in ID-based Encryption Scheme

Hirokazu Ougi,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-7
Efficient ID-Based Signature without Random Oracle

Jiageng Chen,  Astuko Miyaji,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-8
Consideration on security of digital signatures from the view point of Paillier's framework

Yutaka KAWAI,  Kazuo OHTA,  Noboru KUNIHIRO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-9
Consideration of quantum oblivious transfer

Atsushi WASEDA,  Takayuki TAKAGI,  Masakazu SOSHI,  Atsuko MIYAJI,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-10

Naoki KANAYAMA,  Takehiro YAMAGUCHI,  Takeshi OKAMOTO,  Eiji OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-11
Visual Cryptography Scheme with Cyclic Access Structure for Many Images

Miyuki UNO,  Mikio KANO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-12
A Study on Spam Mail Filtering by Cooperation of Users and Providers

Takashi KOIKE,  Naoshi SATO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-13
On Onewayness of Key-Scheduling Algorithms for eSTREAM's Ciphers

Yoshiaki FUJIKAWA,  Toshihiro OHIGASHI,  Hidenori KUWAKADO,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-14
On Equivalent Keys of Stream Ciphers

Ryoichi TERAMURA,  Takanori ISOBE,  Toshihiro OHIGASHI,  Hidenori KUWAKADO,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]ISEC2007-15


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