Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Security(Date:2004/05/12)



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[Paper #]
A Note on Defining Pseudorandom Function Ensembles

Shoichi HIROSE,  Donghoon CHANG,  Wonil LEE,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-1
Study on the security and efficiency of f-PFDH signature scheme

Kei KAWAUCHI,  Mitsuru TADA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-2
Multisignature Untraceable Electoronic Cash based on Discrete Logarithm Problem

Yoshikazu HANATANI,  Bagus SANTOSO,  Kazuo OHTA,  Noboru KUNIHIRO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-3
Sieving Region, and Relationship between Numbers of Required Relations and Factor Bases on the Number Field Sieve

Kazumaro AOKI,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-4
Cryptanalysis of the knapsack cryptosystem over the Gaussian integers

Hisashi SAKAMOTO,  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI,  Akira HAYASHI,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-5
The Activity of the CRYPTREC Cryptographic Module Subcommittee in the year 2003

Tsutomu Matsumoto,  Atsuhiro Yamagishi,  Kazuhiro Amijima,  Kimiaki Tanaka,  Ikuro Oyaizu,  Hiroaki Kawachi,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-6
Side-Channel Attacks on Modular Exponentiation in RNS Representation

Masanobu KOIKE,  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-7
On the Randomized Initial Point Countermeasure against Power Analysis (Part II)

Tetsuya IZU,  Masahiko TAKENAKA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-8
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Multipliers over Yyn Designed for the Polynomial Ring Representation

Masanori HIROTOMO,  Masami MOHRI,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-9
A proposal of quantum coin tossing using n-states

Atsushi WASEDA,  Masakazu SOSHI,  Atsuko MIYAJI,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-10
A ramp model for key distribution schemes

Takahiro YOSHIDA,  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA,  Shigeichi HIRASAWA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-11
Improvements on a Threshold Distributed Version of the Paillier Cryptosystem

Takeru ISHIHARA,  Hiroshi AONO,  Sadayuki HONGO,  Junji SHIKATA,  

[Paper #]ISEC2004-12


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