


[Paper #]


[Paper #]
IM3 Distortion Measurement and Parasitic Impedance Extraction of GaAs One Chip Anti-Series Varactor Pair

Munehisa YABUZAKI,  Qing HAN,  Takashi OHIRA,  Masami AKAIKE,  Atsushi SHIMURA,  

[Paper #]ED2004-203,MW2004-210
A High Speed Pulse Modulator Using a Doubled-Over Pulse

Kenji KAWAKAMI,  Satoshi HAMANO,  Masaomi TSURU,  Masayoshi ONO,  Mitsuhiro NISHIGUCHI,  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2004-204,MW2004-211
Response time performances of polymer dispersed nematic liquid crystal for layer thickness

Katsuhiko SAITO,  Toshihisa KAMEI,  Hiroshi MORITAKE,  Yozo UTSUMI,  

[Paper #]ED2004-205,MW2004-212
Suppression of radiation from microstrip stubs by lossy chips

Yasuhiro OHSUMI,  Nagayoshi MORITA,  

[Paper #]ED2004-206,MW2004-213
A Experimental study of a Ka-band image guide antenna with thick balk guide

Satoshi Tanaka,  

[Paper #]ED2004-207,MW2004-214
60-MHz-Band Loosely-Coupled Microstrip Directional Coupler

Takahiro HIRASHIMA,  Ryoichi FUJII,  Shuitsu FUJII,  Satoshi TANAKA,  

[Paper #]ED2004-208,MW2004-215
Low Loss GSG Line with Deep Trenches on Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP)

Takeshi YUASA,  Tamotsu NISHINO,  Hideyuki OH-HASHI,  Takayuki INUZUKA,  Osamu MURAKAMI,  Muneaki MUKUDA,  

[Paper #]ED2004-209,MW2004-216
Design of Waveguide Filter with Frequency Selective Surfaces and Its Experimental Verification

Masataka OHIRA,  Hiroyuki DEGUCHI,  Mikio TSUJI,  Hiroshi SHIGESAWA,  

[Paper #]ED2004-210,MW2004-217
A Report on the 34th European Microwave Conference

Tomohiro Seki,  Satoshi Masuda,  Tamotsu Nishino,  Atsushi Sanada,  Akifumi Hirata,  Kunihiro Kawai,  Kouichi Kimura,  

[Paper #]ED2004-211,MW2004-218


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