
下記の通り,電子情報通信学会北海道支部とIEEE Sapporo Sectionの共同主催による講演会が開催されますのでご案内いたします.皆様のご参加をお待ちしております.


Spectrum sharing on 5G communication networks


Ying He, Dr., Lecturer
School of Computing and Communications
University of Technology Sydney


2017年2月13日(月) 13:00-14:30


北海道大学 情報科学研究科 11階大会議室 (11-17)


The wireless communication systems have dramatically changed the world by connecting people and devices in recent years. We are currently standing at the 4th generation (4G) in the evolution and drawing the picture for the next generation (5G) wireless communication systems. For which, we are aiming at 1000x increase of the capacity. Despite all efforts on the coding and modulation techniques, the growth of capacity is physically restricted by the limited spectrum resource. Therefore, spectrum sharing has been proposed to break this constraint. Our work on the current spectrum sharing frameworks includes two main spectrum sharing frameworks: Spectrum Access System (SAS) in U.S and Licensed Shared Access (LSA) in Europe. We address the common and differing factors then propose access and interference mitigation methods for SAS and LSA. SAS is a hierarchical access model with three tiers of users – incumbents, Priority Access Licensees (PAL) and General Authorised Access (GAA) users. We propose a PAL-GAA co-channel interference mitigation technique that does not expose base station locations. The distribution of the aggregated interference is derived using Probability Density Function and Characteristic Function. The optimal exclusion zone size is found through an approximation of a convex problem and our approach reduces the exclusion zone size substantially. We also propose the access and coexistence methods between different tiers in LSA and SAS.


IEEE Sapporo Section


北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科 教授 宮永 喜一