ICETC IEICE Communications Society


Author's Schedule

Deadline for submission of papers : June 1, 2024 (JST) June 14, 2024 (JST) (FIRM) June 30, 2024 (JST)
Notification of acceptance : August 30, 2024 (JST)
Deadline for submission of camera-ready papers : September 30, 2024 (JST)

Paper Submission

■Call for Papers and Submission System

Call for Papers (PDF) is here.
Submission System (conflt) is here.

■Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors can select ORAL or POSTER presentation at paper submission.
- If you submit a paper for oral presentation, the page length limit is FOUR pages.
- If you submit a paper for poster presentation, the page length limit is ONE page.
Note that your submission for oral presentation might be accepted as a poster presentation. The authors must reduce the number of pages to one for their camera-ready paper when it is accepted as a poster.

Please prepare your manuscript for submission in accordance with the following procedure.
1. Prepare your manuscript using the ICETC template, Word format or LaTeX format. If you submit a paper for poster presentation, please delete Summary and Keywords in the manuscript.
2. Convert your manuscript to PDF file.
3. Visit the website for paper submission.
4. Before your initial submission, create an account. After creating your account, follow the instruction to input paper information and upload the PDF file.

NOTE: Content identical or extremely similar to material that has already appeared or is in submission elsewhere must not be submitted, either by the same authors or by a team including any one of them. All copyrights of the manuscript, including rights for publishing in any media, are transferred to the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). The accepted papers will be included in the IEICE Proceeding Series as open access papers under a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Awards and Recommendation to Journal

ICETC2024 Committee presents the following four types of awards. The award candidates of Best Paper Award, Best Poster Award, and Best Student Award should be the first author and the presenter of the ICETC2024. The selections of the awards are based on the quality, originality, and clarity of the paper and the presentation. The award candidates of Outstanding Contribution Award are all authors of presented papers of the ICETC2024 who conributes to activate the ICETC2024. The selection of the award is based on number of presenting papers including co-authors and their contents.

• Best Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Award
• Outstanding Contribution Award

Awards rules and eligibility is here.

The committee also recommends excellent papers to the IEICE Transactions on Communications (Japanese/English) and IEICE Communication Express (ComEX).