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ナイ ジェ ツ, 中川健治,
"Hit Count Based Active Queue Management Algorithm for Achieving Approximately Fair Bandwidth Allocation",
信学技報 CS2008-2, pp. 7-12, 2008年4月.

Naing Ye Thu and Kenji Nakagawa,
"Hit Count Based Active Queue Management Algorithm for Achieving Approximately Fair Bandwidth Allocation,"
IEICE Tech. Rep., CS2008-2, pp. 7-12, April 2008.

資料番号: CS2008-2

pLaTeX format


ナイ~ジェ~ツ, 中川健治,
``Hit Count Based Active Queue Management Algorithm for Achieving Approximately Fair Bandwidth Allocation'',
信学技報 CS2008-2, pp.~7-12, 2008年4月.

Naing~Ye~Thu and Kenji~Nakagawa,
``Hit Count Based Active Queue Management Algorithm for Achieving Approximately Fair Bandwidth Allocation,''
{\em IEICE Tech. Rep.}, CS2008-2, pp.~7-12, April 2008.



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