Information and Systems-Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication(Date:2005/09/14)



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[Paper #]
Fast Semi-Supervised Learning on Nearest Neighbor Graphs

Weiwei DU,  Kiichi URAHAMA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-24,PRMU2005-51
Semi-Supervised Pattern Classification Based on Connective Distance

Kohei INOUE,  Kiichi URAHAMA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-25,PRMU2005-52
Recognition Method of Minute Defect Based on Comparison to Statistical Pattern and Outlier Detection on Feature Space

Kaoru SAKAI,  Shunji MAEDA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-26,PRMU2005-53
A keyword extraction method by document expansion

Kenta NAGAMACHI,  Yoshiyuki TAKEDA,  Kyoji UMEMURA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-27,PRMU2005-54
Automatic Annotation and its Features of Japanese and English Sentence Types

Yohei SEKI,  Noriko KANDO,  Masaki AONO,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-28,PRMU2005-55
Development and Evaluation of dialogue and multimodal expression systems for symbiotic humanoids

Johane TAKEUCHI,  Mikio NAKANO,  Hiroshi TSUJINO,  Atsushi HOSHINO,  Kazuhiko KATO,  Yoshitaka NISHIMURA,  Kazutaka KUSHIDA,  Hiroshi DOHI,  Mitsuru ISHIZUKA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-29,PRMU2005-56
Developmental Word Grounding Through Growing Neural Network with Humanoid Robot


[Paper #]NLC2005-30,PRMU2005-57
Conversational Robots who Generate and Understand Paralinguistic Information

Tetsunori KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-31,PRMU2005-58
Speech and Noise Recognition for Dialogue Robot in Ubiquitous Home Network

Ryuichi NISIMURA,  Masaki CHIKAMA,  Akihiro KOBAYASHI,  Junji SATAKE,  Hirotada UEDA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-32,PRMU2005-59
Toward the Community Construction through the Interaction among Humans and Robots : Investigation on the Acquisition of Common Concepts and Dialog Strategies

Masashi KIMURA,  Ryo TAGUCHI,  Kouichi KATSURADA,  Tsuneo NITTA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-33,PRMU2005-60
A method to get helpful advice from a user in Interactive Vision

Hiroyasu IMOTO,  Yoshiaki SHIRAI,  Nobutaka SHIMADA,  Jun MIURA,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-34,PRMU2005-61
Inter-personal and social relationships between robots and humans

Hiroshi Ishiguro,  

[Paper #]NLC2005-35,PRMU2005-62


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