Information and Systems-Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication(Date:1994/05/13)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A View on the Frequency of Verk Phrase Written in some English Academic Textbooks of Science and Technology.

Yoshio Nomura,  

[Paper #]NLC94-1
Automatic Acquisition of Tarnslation Knowledge from Parallel Bilingual Corpus

Mihoko Kitamura,  Yuji Matsumoto,  

[Paper #]NLC94-2
Evaluation for Adaptability of Non Segmented Kana-Kanji Translation Method Using Inductive Learning

Kenji Araki,  Yuji Takahashi,  Yoshio Momouchi,  Koji Tochinai,  

[Paper #]NLC94-3
An Anaphoric Resolution Method using Heuristic Rules

Yoshitaka Sato,  Kenji Araki,  Yoshikazu Miyanaga,  Koji Tochinai,  

[Paper #]NLC94-4
Use of Word Connections for Error Recovery in Character Strings

Daisuke Jinno,  Kenji Araki,  Yoshikazu Miyanaga,  Koji Tochinai,  

[Paper #]NLC94-5
A Dialogue Model based on Probabilistic Belief System for Belief Revision

Atushi Ishikawa,  Jun-ichi Nakamura,  Sho Yoshida,  Kyouko Kai,  

[Paper #]NLC94-6


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