Information and Systems-Neurocomputing(Date:2022/06/27)

Cost-effective Framework for Gradual Domain Adaptation with Multifidelity

Shogo Sagawa(SOKENDAI),  Hideitsu Hino(ISM/RIKEN),  

[Paper #]NC2022-7,IBISML2022-7
Evaluating and Enhancing Reliabilities of AI-Powered Tools

Jingfeng Zhang(RIKEN-AIP),  

[Paper #]NC2022-4,IBISML2022-4
Transformer-Based Fully Trainable Model for Point Process with Past Sequence-Representative Vector

Fumiya Nishizawa(Graduate School of System Engineering, Wakayama University),  Sujun Hong(Graduate School of System Engineering, Wakayama University),  Hirotaka Hachiya(Graduate School of System Engineering, Wakayama University),  

[Paper #]NC2022-1,IBISML2022-1
Relaxing the Requirement for Decomposition of the Fisher Information Matrix for Simple Softplus Neural Networks

Masazumi Iida(Kyushu Univ.),  Yoshinari Takeishi(Kyushu Univ.),  Jun'ichi Takeuchi(Kyushu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-6,IBISML2022-6
AI knowledge forgetting based on the importance of model parameters

Tomoya Yamashita(NTT),  Masanori Yamada(NTT),  

[Paper #]NC2022-3,IBISML2022-3
A Bagging Method to Improve the Accuracy of Gaussian Process Regression for Neural Architecture Search

Rion Hada(Osaka Univ.),  Masao Okita(Osaka Univ.),  Fumihiko Ino(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-2,IBISML2022-2
Additive Cumulative Link Model with Total Variation Regularization

Hiroya Iyori(Univ. of Tokyo),  Shin Matsushima(Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]NC2022-8,IBISML2022-8
射影法を用いて系の第一積分を発見し保存するNeural ODE

Takashi Matsubara(Osaka Univ.),  Takaharu Yaguchi(Kobe Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-5,IBISML2022-5
Comparison of Variational Bayes and Gibbs Sampling for Normal Inverse Gaussian Mixture Models

Takashi Takekawa(Kogakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-9,IBISML2022-9
Inside the Ventricle System Immune Cell Network Hypothesis for Language Processing and Intelligence

Kumon Tokumaru(Researcher),  

[Paper #]NC2022-10,IBISML2022-10
On DC Relaxation of Information-directed Sampling in Combinatorial Multi-armed Bandit Problem

Junta Fujinaga(Kyoto Univ.),  Taira Tsuchiya(Kyoto Univ./RIKEN),  Junya Honda(Kyoto Univ./RIKEN),  

[Paper #]NC2022-18,IBISML2022-18
Reduction Scheme for Empirical Risk Minimization and Its Applications to Multiple-Instance Learning

Daiki Suehiro(Kyushu Univ./RIKEN AIP),  Eiji Takimoto(Kyushu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-24,IBISML2022-24
Toward the Design of a Hybrid Algorithm of Asymmetries and Score-Based Methods in Causal Search

Kota Misaki(UTokyo),  Shin Matsushima(UTokyo),  

[Paper #]NC2022-20,IBISML2022-20
Automatic Path Following Control for Four-wheeled Cars Based on Just-In-Time Modeling

Tatsuya Kai(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  Kazuki Fukawa(DENSO),  

[Paper #]NC2022-14,IBISML2022-14
Extending HSIC for Testing Conditional Independence

Bingyuan Zhang(Osaka Univ.),  Joe Suzuki(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-23,IBISML2022-23
Feature selection in prediction model by LiNGAM

Taiyu Sumida(Kogakuin Univ.),  Takashi Takekawa(Kogakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-17,IBISML2022-17
[Short Paper] A Pseudo Node Based Graph Convolution Network for Emotion Perception from Gait

Shurong Chai(Ritsumeikan University),  Jiaqing Liu(Ritsumeikan University),  Tateyama Tomoko(Fujita Health University),  LanFen Lin(Zheda),  Yen-Wei Chen(Ritsumeikan University),  

[Paper #]NC2022-13,IBISML2022-13
A Novel Analytical Method for Continual Learning Based on the Ease of Classification in Representation Spaces

Kengo Murata(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  Seiya Ito(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  Kouzou Ohara(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-11,IBISML2022-11
Causal Discovery in Discrete Data Using NML Code Length Based on MDL Principle

Masatoshi Kobayashi(Todai),  Nishimoto Hiroki(Todai),  Shin Mastushima(Todai),  

[Paper #]NC2022-21,IBISML2022-21
Refrigerant leak detection of air conditioner by deep learning

Shinya Komure(TCC),  Yasuyuki Isobe(TDSL),  Morio Hirahara(TCC),  Kiguchi Yukio(TCC),  

[Paper #]NC2022-15,IBISML2022-15
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