Information and Systems-Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing(Date:1996/01/18)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A Cooperative Environment for Real-world Agents and Information Agents with mediation

Kouji IWATA,  Motoyuki TAKAAI,  Atsushi SAWADA,  Hideaki TAKEDA,  Toyoaki NISHIDA,  

[Paper #]AI95-42
Weighted Realtime Search

Toru Ishida,  Masashi Shimbo,  

[Paper #]AI95-43
A Revision Learner for Expert-Knowledge and Real Examples

Shigeo KANEDA,  Hussein ALMUALLIM,  Megumi ISHII,  Yasuhiro AKIBA,  

[Paper #]AI95-44
Decision Tree Learner Handling Tree-Structured Attributes

Yasuhiro AKIBA,  Hussein ALMUALLIM,  Shigeo KANEDA,  

[Paper #]AI95-45
A Study on Relative Least General Generalization from Background Knowledge which includes Disjunction

Ribou ONO,  Naohiro ISHII,  

[Paper #]AI95-46
Consideration about the Constructive Inductive Logic Programming

Takeshi NIITSU,  Yoshifumi UKITA,  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA,  

[Paper #]AI95-47
A method of determining the weights in weighted propositional logic

Tomoko UJlNAGA,  Ikuo TAHARA,  

[Paper #]AI95-48
Prediction and measurement in diagnosis from first principle

Masafumi ISHII,  Ikuo TAHARA,  

[Paper #]AI95-49
An Agent Model for Description of Multiple Objects

Nobuhiro ITO,  Hideki SATO,  Tatsuya HAYASHI,  

[Paper #]AI95-50
Student Modelling for View-Hypothesis


[Paper #]AI95-51
Interactive Diagnosing System on Z Notation(2)

Tamao Yoshida,  Noboru Mastuda,  Toshio Okamoto,  

[Paper #]AI95-52
A Study on Presumption of Utterance Intention among the Dialogue over the CSCW(3)

Keiichi OJIMA,  Toshio OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]AI95-53
A Similar Object Search System for Acquisition & Reuse of Domain Knowledge

Akira Nomura,  Takao Terano,  

[Paper #]AI95-54
Efficient Planning focusing on Causal Chain between Subgoals

Atsushi EDA,  Fumiaki IMANARI,  Hitoshi OGAWA,  

[Paper #]AI95-55
Study of a Bridge Foundation Type Selection Support System by Case Based Reasoning

Hirotada TAMAKI,  Toshio OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]AI95-56


[Paper #]