Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Nonlinear Problems(Date:2008/01/25)



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[Paper #]
A Lossless Steganography Technique for Speech Codec Based on Nonlinear Quantization

Naofumi AOKI,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-141
Automatic composition system by using chaotic signal

Ayumi KODAIRA,  Kenya JINNO,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-142
Neural Gas Containing Two Kinds of Neurons and its Behaviors

Keiko KANDA,  Haruna MATSUSHITA,  Yoshifumi NISHIO,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-143
Complex-Valued Multistate Associative Memory with Nonlinear Multilevel Function

Gouhei TANAKA,  Kazuyuki AIHARA,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-144
Analysis of Random Boolean Network Dynamics Based on One-dimensional Mapping

Nobumitsu FUJIWARA,  Shinji DOI,  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-145
A Generalised Entropy based Associative Memory

Masahiro NAKAGAWA,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-146
A modified Particle Swarm Optimization to search an optimal value

Kai YAMASAKI,  Tomokadu KANEKO,  Kenya JIN'NO,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-147
Hopfield NN Using Scaling Law for Quadratic Assignment Problem

Yoshifumi TADA,  Yoko UWATE,  Yoshifumi NISHIO,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-148
On Data Clustering by a Stochastic Embedding Method

Naoto NISHIKAWA,  Shinji DOI,  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-149
Batch-Learning Self-Organizing Map with False-Neighbor Degree for Effective Self-Organization

Haruna MATSUSHITA,  Yoshifumi NISHIO,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-150
On the Global Bifurcation Structure of a Detailed Ventricular Myocardial Cell Model and Drug Sensitivity of Ionic Channels (II)

Rei YAMAGUCHI,  Satoru HISAKADO,  Shinji DOI,  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-151
Image Restoration and Interpolation by Radial Basis Function Network

Zhenxing PAN,  Nobumitsu FUJIWARA,  Shinji DOI,  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI,  

[Paper #]NLP2007-152


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Notice for Photocopying


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