Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Engineering Acoustics(Date:1998/06/29)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
The Characteristic of Error of the Expansion and Contraction of time of CD Player and Evaluation of Reproduction of High Order Sensations

Yukio Kobayashi,  Tmoharu Ishikawa,  Makoto Miyahara,  

[Paper #]EA98-17
Compensation of Transmission Characteristics by Digital Signal Processor for Reproduction of High Order Sensations

Tomoharu Ishikawa,  Yukio Kobayashi,  Makoto Miyahara,  

[Paper #]EA98-18
Perception of time-related information : Influence of phase Variation on timbre

Masato AKAGI,  Koujiro YASUTAKE,  

[Paper #]EA98-19
New Generation Audio:New Perception Model for the High Order Sensation : Distrotion of the Expansion and Contraction of Time and Digital Sound

Makoto Miyahara,  

[Paper #]EA98-20
Methodology of Evaluating Ultra-High Grade Reproduced Sound Quality

Takeshi Nakayama,  

[Paper #]EA98-21
Present Status of Sound Reproduction and Themes for 21th Century

Shokichiro Yoshikawa,  

[Paper #]EA98-22


[Paper #]EA98-23


[Paper #]