Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Circuits and Systems(Date:1996/09/27)



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[Paper #]
The 3rd Order Chaos Generator Having Two Positive Linear Resistors

Masami KURAMITSU,  Yosiaki HATTA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-26,NLP96-64
Basin structure of two degrees of freedom swing equation system

Yoshitaka Hasegawa,  Yoshisuke Ueda,  

[Paper #]CAS96-27,NLP96-65
Anomalous Voltage Phenomena in Power System with Nonlinear Load

Hirofumi Ohta,  Yoshisuke Ueda,  

[Paper #]CAS96-28,NLP96-66
Control of Chaos in N-Buffer Switched Arrival Systems

Toshimitsu Ushio,  Hideki Ueda,  Kazumasa Hirai,  

[Paper #]CAS96-29,NLP96-67
Sliding Mode Control of Chaotic Systems

Michio Hirai,  Keiji Konishi,  Hideki Kokame,  

[Paper #]CAS96-30,NLP96-68
An experimental and analytical study on Stick-Slip motions

Yoshisuke Ueda,  Masanori Henmi,  

[Paper #]CAS96-31,NLP96-69

Toshimichi Saito,  Kunihiko Mitsubori,  

[Paper #]CAS96-32,NLP96-70
On a Ring of Oscillators Sharing Inductors

Yoshinobu SETOU,  Yoshifumi NISHIO,  Akio USHIDA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-33,NLP96-71
Universality of DT-CNN

Hiroyuki Saito,  Kennya Jin'no,  Mamoru Tanaka,  

[Paper #]CAS96-34,NLP96-72
On an Implementation of continuous-time hysteresis cellular neural network

Mokoto Korehisa,  Kenya Jin'no,  Mamoru Tanaka,  

[Paper #]CAS96-35,NLP96-73
Hysteresis Quantizer

Kenya JIN'NO,  Mamoru TANAKA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-36,NLP96-74
Approximation of the Vector Field of a Recurrent Neural Network by Polynomials and its Evaluation

Hiroshi Kubo,  Yoshisuke Ueda,  

[Paper #]CAS96-37,NLP96-75
Local versus Global Plots on Lyapunov Spectra

Tohru Ikeguchi,  Kazuyuki Aihara,  

[Paper #]CAS96-38,NLP96-76
On the Initial Function Problem in the Minorsky System

Yoshisuke Ueda,  Peachavanish Peachawat,  Tadashi Mitui,  

[Paper #]CAS96-39,NLP96-77
A New Modern Heuristic Method for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Mikio Hasegawa,  Tohru Ikeguchi,  Takehi Matozaki,  Kazuyuki Aihara,  

[Paper #]CAS96-40,NLP96-78


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