Electronics-Organic Material Electronics(Date:1997/10/14)



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Electro-Optic Modulator Using Organic DMNP Crystal Cored Fiber

Hiroshi Hakozaki,  Atsushi Shono,  Shinsuke Umegaki,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Electric-Field-Induced Channel-Waveguide Using Organic Crystal MNA for Electro-Optic Modulator

Shinsuke Umegaki,  Wataru Sakurai,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Quasi-Phase-Matched Frequency Conversions of Light Using Polarization-Inverted Structures of Organic MNA Crystals

Shinsuke Umegaki,  Takefumi Komatsubara,  Tatuya Senga,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Multimode Polymeric Optical Waveguides with High Thermal Stability Using UV Cured Epoxy Resins

Koji Enbutsu,  Makoto Hikita,  Ryoko Yoshimura,  Satoru Tomaru,  Saburo Imamura,  Junya Kobayashi,  Tohru Maruno,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Reducing of absorption of organic nonlinear optical crystal AANP and improvement of wavelength conversion efficiency in the optical communication wavelength region

A. Yokoo,  I. Yokohama,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Organic Saturable Absorber Working in 1.5μm Wavelength Region

Youichi SAKAKIBARA,  Michiyuki ENDO,  Taro ITATANI,  Tetsuya MOTEGI,  Yuichi TANAKA,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Growth of Optical-grade Lithium Tetraborate Single Crystal and its Nonlinear Properties

Ryuichi Komatsu,  Tamotsu Sugawara,  Satoshi Uda,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Sublattice Inversion Epitaxy in Compound Semiconductors and Its Application to Wavelength Conversion Devices

Takashi KONDO,  Shinji KOH,  Ryoichi ITO,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Waveguide Length Dependence of the Modal Characteristics of Stimulated Raman Scattering in a Multimode Step-Index (SI) Optical Fiber.

Naved R. Islam,  Kohei Sakuda,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Experimental Investigation of the Properties of Wave-Front Reconstruction (WFR) via Backward Stimulated Raman Scattering in an 0ptical Fiber Waveguide of Various Length.

Naved R. Islam,  Kyohei Sakuda,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Consideration of optimum incident beam angles of cross polarized four-wave mixing

Yoshihisa Takayama,  Atsushi Okamoto,  Kunihiro Sato,  Kazuhumi Kumagai,  Yugo Aizawa,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Multi-stability and temporal response of phase conjugate reflectivity in SPFWM

Yusuke OKU,  Atsushi OKAMOTO,  Yoshihisa TAKAYAMA,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94
Steady state analysis and experiment of the cross-polarized two-wave mixing under phase matching condition in BaTiO_3 crystals

Naihiro YOSHIDA,  Atsushi OKAMOTO,  Kunihiro SATO,  Yoshihisa TAKAYAMA,  Tadahiko INOUE,  

[Paper #]OME97-82-94


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