Electronics-Lasers and Quantum Electronics(Date:2007/11/30)



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[Paper #]
Nanocavity laser with ultralow threshold

Masahiro NOMURA,  Yasutomo Ota,  Naoto KUMAGAI,  Satoshi IWAMOTO,  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-113
High-Power 10-Gb/s Semi-Cooled Operation of AlGaInAs Electroabsorption Modulator Integrated λ/4-Shifted DFB Laser

Kan TAKADA,  Suguru AKIYAMA,  Manabu MATSUDA,  Shigekazu OKUMURA,  Mitsuru EKAWA,  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-114
Measurement of the Linewidth Enhancement Factor of Fabry-Perot Quantum Cascade Laser

Naoki KUMAZAKI,  Yohei TAKAGI,  Mikito ISHIHARA,  Kenichi KASAHARA,  Naota AKIKUSA,  Tadataka EDAMURA,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-115
Theoretical Analysis of Carrier Injection Rate and Recombination Rate in Tunnel Injection Quantum Well Lasers

Yasutaka Higa,  Tomoyuki Miyamoto,  Hiroshi Nakajima,  Kosuke Fujimoto,  Fumio Koyama,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-116
WDM Optical Packet Interconnect System Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

Yasuhiko AOKI,  Goji NAKAGAWA,  Yutaka KAI,  Setsuo YOSHIDA,  Kyosuke SONE,  Susumu KINOSHITA,  Shinsuke TANAKA,  Seok-Hwan JEONQ,  Ken MORITO,  Hiroshi ONAKA,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-117
LSI on-chip optical interconnect technology

Kenichi NISHI,  Keishi OHASHI,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-118
The latest trend of 10Gbit/s Optical Transponders and Optical Modules toward Miniaturization and Low Power Consumption

Masanobu OKAYASU,  Yasuhiro YAMADA,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-119
Quantum-conversion efficiencies in semiconductor optical amplifier and model of electric dc power consumption in ultrafast all-optical semiconductor gates using them

Jun Sakaguchi,  Ferran Salleras,  Yoshiyasu Ueno,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-120
10Gbps/ch 1×10 VCSEL array at 850-nm

Kazutaka TAKEDA,  Takashi KONDO,  Kazuyuki MATSUSHITA,  Seiya OMORI,  Nobuaki UEKI,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-121
Wavelength tunable laser module integrated with InP Mach-Zehnder modulator

Ken TSUZUKI,  Nobuhiro KIKUCHI,  Hiroaki SANJO,  Yasuo SHIBATA,  Hiroyuki ISHII,  Hiroshi YASAKA,  

[Paper #]LQE2007-122


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Notice for Photocopying


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