Electronics-Electronic Information Displays(Date:2000/06/15)



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[Paper #]
Present and Future Prospect on Color Plasma Displays

Heiju Uchiike,  

[Paper #]EID2000-1
Application of Laser Thomson Scattering Diagnostics to Measurements of Electron Temperature and Density in a Plasma Display Panel Discharge

Yasuyuki Noguchi,  Kiichiro Uchino,  M.D. Bowden,  Katsunori Muraoka,  

[Paper #]EID2000-2
Visualization of Spatial Profiles of Plasmas and Sputtered Atoms : Planar Magnetron Discharge and PDP Discharge

Yoshinobu Matsuda,  Koji Ohtomo,  Hidenori Ohta,  Hiroshi Fujiyama,  

[Paper #]EID2000-3
Degradation of PDP phosphors by Fast Atom Bombardment

Hideki Fujii,  Takayuki Oonishi,  Masataka Kokubu,  Zhang Shuxiu,  

[Paper #]EID2000-4
Study on the Degradation of Blue Phosphor for Color PDPs

Zhang Shuxiu,  Hideki Fujii,  Takayuki Onishi,  Masataka Kokubu,  Heiju Uchiike,  

[Paper #]EID2000-5
Positive column PDP with a bending discharge path

S. Ueda,  M. Ushirozawa,  K. Ishii,  Y. Takano,  

[Paper #]EID2000-6
Expermental and Theoretical Studies of Reactive Sputtering Prosess for MgO Film Deposition

Yoshinobu Matsuda,  Koji Ohtomo,  Hiroshi Fujiyama,  

[Paper #]EID2000-7
Ion-induced secodary Electron Emission Characteristics of MgAl_2O_4

T. Hirakawa,  H. Uchiike,  

[Paper #]EID2000-8


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