Communication-Internet Architecture(Date:2010/06/10)



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Visualizing Gumblar infected machines by Analysis of Network Traffic

Hirokazu KANEKO,  Takahiro MATSUKI,  Yuu ARAI,  

[Paper #]IA2010-1,ICSS2010-1
A data screening technique for network log data by frequent sequential pattern mining

Hisashi TSURUTA,  Takayoshi SHOUDAI,  Jun'ichi TAKEUCHI,  

[Paper #]IA2010-2,ICSS2010-2
Automatic OEP Finding Method for Malware Unpacking

Yuhei Kawakoya,  Makoto Iwamura,  Mitsutaka Itoh,  

[Paper #]IA2010-3,ICSS2010-3
How to Identify Code Region after Detecting Entry Point of Malware

Makoto IWAMURA,  Mitsutaka ITOH,  Yoichi MURAOKA,  

[Paper #]IA2010-4,ICSS2010-4
Anonymous Communication Protocol for Encouraging to Report Problems in Social Groups and Its Evaluation using Game Theory

Kohei SUGIYAMA,  Masaki FUKUSHIMA,  Teruyuki HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]IA2010-5,ICSS2010-5
Proposal and Consideration for An Anonymity Method for Widespred High-Speed Incident Analysis System (II)

Ryoichi ISAWA,  Masakatu MORII,  Sadako TAKASUKA,  Koji NAKAO,  

[Paper #]IA2010-6,ICSS2010-6
Implementation and its Evaluation of A Secure One-Time Passoword Method against the Stolen-Verifier Attack

Tatsuya TAKEHISA,  Ryoichi ISAWA,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]IA2010-7,ICSS2010-7
iAuth : Yet Another HTTP Authentication Framework Integrated into HTML Forms

Takeru INOUE,  Yohei KATAYAMA,  Hiroshi SATO,  Noriyuki TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]IA2010-8,ICSS2010-8
Scalable and User-friendly Access Control Mechanism for Distirubted File System

Jumpei ARAKAWA,  Koichi SASADA,  Ikuo TAKEUCHI,  

[Paper #]IA2010-9,ICSS2010-9
A Vision of the Open Mobile Communication System with All Stratum Virtualization

Nao KAWANISHI,  ABDUL HAMID Ahmad KAMIL,  Yoshimasa MIYAMORI,  Atsushi KUSUDA,  Yoshihiro KAWAHARA,  Masayoshi OHASHI,  Tohru ASAMI,  

[Paper #]IA2010-10,ICSS2010-10
A study on security threats to Android devices


[Paper #]IA2010-11,ICSS2010-11


[Paper #]IA2010-12,ICSS2010-12
An Empirical Investigation of Gumblar Evolution

Mitsuaki AKIYAMA,  Kazumichi SATO,  Makoto IWAMURA,  Mitsutaka ITOH,  

[Paper #]IA2010-13,ICSS2010-13
A Life-cycle Monitoring Method of Malware Download Sites for Websites

Takeshi YAGI,  Naoto TANIMOTO,  Takeo HARIU,  Mitsutaka ITOH,  

[Paper #]IA2010-14,ICSS2010-14
Hard-wired Shellcode Detection Algorithm : trial implementations on FPGA and ASIC

Hiroki NOGAWA,  Fuminori ADACHI,  Yasumitsu TSUJINO,  Seiji MORIYA,  Kazunori SAITO,  

[Paper #]IA2010-15,ICSS2010-15


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