[主催]Sensors in GPS denied environment -Aircraft in flight under GPS Jamming-
講演者の Heinz Wipfさんは、35 年間 Swiss Air Navigation Services Ltd.で勤務され、無線航法や通信の専門家です。また、IEEEのSenior Life Memberで、現在、the Swiss Chapter of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems (AES-CH)のChairをされている方です。
年末のお忙しいことと存じますが、是非ご出席下さいますようご案内 申し上げます。
■日 時:2024年12月13日15:00-16:00
■会 場:長崎大学工学部サイエンス&テクノラボ棟2階セミナー室1(長崎県長崎市文教町1-14) ※キャンパスマップ10番
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Mr. Heinz Wipf (AIRNAV CONSULTING GmbH, Zurich, Swiss)
Senior Life Member IEEE
Board Member svfw
Heinz Wipf received his engineering diploma in communication and computer science from the Technikum Winterthur Switzerland. He holds three degrees in post-graduate studies from the Swiss Institute of Technology Zurich ETHZ and Lausanne EPFL in electromagnetic compatibility, applied statistics and a master in management, technolo- gy and economics respectively.
His working experience includes 35 years with the Swiss Air Navigation Services Ltd. in fields of radio navigation, business development, statistics and operational – technical program management. Before he has been with Siemens in research and development working on advanced private branch exchanges.
While active as an assistant professor and lecturer for more then 20 years in electrical communication systems at the College of Engineering Zurich and for navigation systems at the Zurich University of Applied Science in Winterthur, he also taught a variety of short courses.
Elected founding president of the Swiss Air Traffic Technical Association, he currently also serves as a board member of the Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences and the Institute of Navigation. As a longstanding and senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers he founded and chairs th
e Swiss-Chapter on Aero- space Electronic Systems. His numerous other memberships in professional organiza- tions include the AOC, and Aerosuisse. In his capacity as a subject matter expert he has participated in a number of international working groups within ICAO and Eurocontrol. He holds several patents and is an expert witness on oath in Austria. He currently runs his own company AIRNAV CONSULTING GmbH in Zurich as managing director and senior ANS-expert.
Sensors in GPS denied environment-Aircraft in flight under GPS Jamming-
Real live jamming trials allowed studying the in-channel RF-interference susceptibility of GNSS navigation capabilities in airborne aircraft. While emitting 200mW EIRP from a ground based jammer against L1-C/A signals of visible GPS SV’s, all trial aircraft flew an approach like trajectory on a elevated mountain range plateau in Switzerland. Rotary/fixed wing and civil/military aircraft had a chance to investigate their performance in a realistic jamming scenario. All aircraft had to carry recording equipment. This allowed an analysis of aircraft data, ranging from RX C/No to flight management data. Motivation, experimental set-up, performance assessment and show-stoppers are elaborated.
■主 催:電子情報通信学会九州支部
■共 催:IEEE AESS Japan Chapter
■問合せ先:長崎大学工学部電気電子工学科 森山敏文