Message from ISS President

2022 President

Shin’ichi Satoh
Shin’ichi Satoh
2022 President of the Information and Systems Society

The Information and Systems Society (ISS) covers a wide range of topics, from computers and infrastructure software that make up information systems, to applied software, as well as communications, data, and humans surrounding information systems. and examines. It is the largest society of IEICE that deals with various fields including the underlying algorithms, architectures and the construction of application systems. Information processing systems are widespread in our society, and information technology is becoming more important. In ISS, we aim to provide members with the latest research, communities, places to meet people, and places to present their research, contribute to the development of academic fields related to information and systems, and contribute to the further success of members. We are planning activities with a particular focus on:

(1) Transactions
Transactions are a place for members to present their research, and at the same time, they are an important medium for learning about the latest research results, and we will continue to strive to improve both quality and quantity. In the English edition of IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ED), from January 2017, we will try to publish all the papers in J-STAGE in open access, including past published papers prior to other societies, and from January 2020, all the papers have been published in open access. Compared to 2016, the number of accesses by September 2021 has increased about 9 times. We are seeing an increase in the impact factor, and the effect of open access is beginning to be seen. In addition to continuing the polite and high-quality peer review, which is the greatest feature of Japanese edition of IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (JD), we will continue to consider activating submissions from students and junior members.

(2) Technical committees
Currently, the ISS has 26 technical committees (including special technical committees), and with the technical committee conferences as the main place, a place to meet deeper and more specialized research presentations, the latest research, community, and people, in each technical field. Unfortunately, the spread of the new coronavirus has forced a major change in the method of holding the conferences, and it is expected that the search for the optimal method will continue for the time being. On the other hand, as it is becoming more common to hold research meetings online, we will actively consider archiving research presentations and invited lectures, which are of high material value to members.

(3) National convention and FIT
Last year, the national convention and FIT were held online. The situation is still unpredictable this year, but it is unlikely that we will return to the old in-person-only meetings, and it will be held online or in a hybrid manner. It is still necessary to devise ways to achieve the same educational effects as before, mainly for students and other presenters, but on the other hand, the convenience of the audience has greatly increased, and the number of attendees is actually increasing. In particular, it is extremely easy for students and junior members to attend, and we will actively invite such attendees and consider appropriate motivation for presenters by a large number of attendees.

(4) Internationalization
In addition to the cooperation with the International Society IAPR, we have signed a new MOU with APSIPA last year. We will continue to collaborate with international academic societies and consider measures that will contribute to members based on this. In addition, we will focus on research trend surveys and promotion of paper acceptance at top international conferences.
As mentioned above, ISS will work to improve membership services. We believe that the success of members in research and development and technology development will lead to success in the members themselves, the ISS, the IEICE, and eventually in the information technology field of Japan. The ISS aims to help our members in this regard. We ask for your continued cooperation and support.

Past Message