The Value

What is the value of the society?

The conference is organized by various people from universities, companies, and public research institutions in both Japan and overseas.
There are many people with diverse values, from students to seniors with many experiences.
Members are mainly people who are seeking for discovery new fields and themes, people who are looking for environment where they can transmit high-level information to obtain higher status/evaluation, users who interact with other fields as a salon, people who desires to collect state-of -art information about ICT, and people who use as a base of their lifelong education, skills improvement, and industry-government-academia collaboration.

Membership benefits

Subscription to the Journal of the IEICE
Subscription to the Transactions of your society
Submit your manuscript
Submission and presentation at the conference

Participation in a variety of activities
Interaction with people
Sense of benefit
Sense of accomplishment
Pursuit of truth

Participation in conferences and workshops

Planning and operation of research societies and international conferences

Submit your paper to Transactions

Management of the Society as an officer

Editing and planning of Transactions and journals

Peer review

Attendance at workshops and conferences

Participation in academic events (lectures. etc.)

Presentation of papers at workshops and conferences

Read papers

Subscription of journals and magazine articles

Contents Publishing System Archive Search (common search)


Various awards

Grant of Fellow award

The value chart ZOOM