2018 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices
      AWAD 2018  

AWAD2018 Technical Program

Technical program (PDF)  ⇐ Click!!
Schedule at a glance (PDF)  ⇐ Click!!

Schedule at a glance

Schedule at a glance

Special Technical Program

On July 3rd, a gSpecial Technical Programh to visit the Innovation Center of Yaskawa Electric will be offered to the conference attendees free of charge.
Yaskawa Electric is one of the worldfs leading companies in the production of industrial motors and manufacturing robots. The Yaskawa Innovation Center was established as a facility to charm the public with manufacturing and robotics technologies. Please find out more details from the websites below:


To join this special technical program, online pre-registration by June 15th is required. A lunch box will be served to all participants.

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