Technical Committee on Microwave Photonics

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Technical Committee on Microwave Photonics

Purpose of the committee

The research of a new field where the micro (MW) wave and millimeter wave (MMW) technology were united with the photonics technology is actively advanced in world wide. It is very important to offer the place of the discussion to develop the future ubiquitous telecommunication technology, by organically uniting the photonics technology and the micro wave, the millimeterwave technology. Thus, the research technical committee is set up aiming to exchange latest information and the opinion and to have a discussion about the interaction with the light wave and radio which centers on MW/MMW, the fusion region, and a new technical development derives from of these. Moreover, the committee and the society are held to study and develop and spread of the technology of this field.

Research field

General research on element (material and medium), device, module, system, networks concerning the interaction and the fusion region of the radio and the light wave. Theory and simulation, system concept, network architecture, designing, making for trial, evaluating, and practical use, standardizing, and making to business are also covered. The following areas are concretely considered.

  • Optical device for MW/MMW band
  • Optical controlled MW/MMW device
  • Optical signal control by using MW/MMW technology
  • MW and MMW detection and measurement by using photonics technology
  • MW/MMW signal generation and control by using photonics technology
  • MW/MMW radio system cooperate with photonic network
  • Use and new development of undeveloped frequency band by using photonics technology
  • Use and new development of coherent light by using radio application technology
  • Co-existence and co-prosperity and new development of radio and free space optics
  • Cooperation and new development of radio and light wave technology toward environmental information acquisition, environmental measurement
  • Practical use development and standardization trend concerning uniting technology of radio and light wave
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