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Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

1. Presentation time

Each paper in oral sessions is allocated 20 minutes including discussion time.

  • Talk 15min, Discussion 5min

Bell rings three times during the presentation:

  • First bell rings at 10 minutes passed.
  • Second bell rings at 15 minutes passed meaning the end of talk.
  • Third bell rings at 20 minutes passed meaning the end of discussion.

2. Preparation for the Session

Be prepared to begin your presentation as soon as the prior presenter has finished; it is important to keep on schedule. You should meet with your session chair during the break immediately prior to your session. If the room is not being used, this will give you a chance to test any presentation equipment.

Poster Presentations

1. Poster Boards

The usable surface of the display panels measures 110 cm (width) x 160 cm (height). Pins cannot be used. Adhesive tape will be provided.

2. Poster Session

Presenters need to keep the time for hanging / removing their posters below and they have to stand in front of their poster during the presentation time for the intensive discussion.

Posters not removed by the dismantling deadline will be removed and destroyed.

3. Presentation Guideline

Poster session has been organized for authors to present their studies and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. Therefore, it is important to show your results clearly to attract people who have an interest in your work and your paper.

Your poster should cover the KEY POINTS of your work. The ideal poster is designed to (1) attract attention; (2) provide a brief overview of your work; and (3) initiate discussion and question.

The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters about 25mm (1") high. Below the title, put the author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s).

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