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Information for Authors

When preparing your final document, use the formatting specifications described below. When your final document is ready, you may enter the final paper submission from the submission page linked below using your userID not later than 10, September, 2011.

Complete a properly formatted paper


You are allowed a total of 10 pages for your document. This is the maximum number of pages that will be accepted and also you need to prepare at least 4 pages(Regular paper) or 2 pages(Position paper), including all figures, tables, and references.


All manuscripts must be in English.

Paper Format

The manuscript must be created by Microsoft Word using the following template file. We are sorry but LaTeX style file is unavailable for this workshop.

Word 97(and later) Sample file: A template of correct formatting and font use.

Creating PDF File

Papers must be submitted in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) format. PDF files must not have Adobe Document Protection enabled, as this prevents us from processing the file. These submissions must be formatted to Standard A4 (210mm x 297mm) page size, and in first-page-first order. Please verify that the final version of your PDF file can be printed out correctly before submission. Documents that cannot be printed correctly will not be included in the proceedings. Also, make sure to disable ALL the document security. Be sure that you embed all fonts that are used when you create the PDF file. For the best PDF document quality, you may want to read Adobe's recommendations for generating PDF files.

IMPORTANT: ALL FONTS MUST BE EMBEDDED in the PDF file. There is no guarantee that the viewers of the paper (reviewers and those who view the proceedings CD-ROM after publication) have the same fonts used in the document. If fonts are not embedded in the submission, you will be contacted by us and asked to submit a file that has all fonts embedded. Please refer to the user guide of your PDF file generation utility's to find out how to embed all fonts.

Final Paper Inspection

Similar to the proposal submission, your final document will undergo an inspection by our staff to ensure that it meets all formatting requirements to be included in a visually pleasing and consistent proceedings publication for IMQA2011. If we encounter errors in the appearance or compatibility of your document file, you will be contacted by email.

Submission Procedure

If your paper has been accepted, proceed to camera-ready submission process linked below.

Submit your PDF formatted camera-ready paper until 10 September 2011.

Enter the online final paper submission page here.

Copyright: Technical Group of Image Media Quality and its Applications, IEICE. All rights reserved.