Information and Systems-Services Computing(Date:1994/10/05)



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[Paper #]
Fabrication of Field Effect Devices using YBaCuO/PrBaCuO/YBaCuO Junctions.

Hiroshi Kimura,  Hiroshi Kamijou,  Yoichi Okabe,  

[Paper #]SCE94-28
White noise properties for YBCO Josephson devices

Hiroyuki Nakamura,  Tomoya Ogawa,  Jian Chen,  Hiroaki Myoren,  Kensuke Nakajima,  Tsutomu Yamashita,  

[Paper #]SCE94-29
Electric Properties of YBCO/PBCO/YBCO Junctions with Thin Barrier Layers

Tatsunori Hashimoto,  Toshihiko Nagano,  Jiro Yoshida,  

[Paper #]SCE94-30
Fabrication and Properties of SIN Junctions for YBCO Film

Xuyang Cai,  Tazuyuki Kobayashi,  Toshinari Goto,  

[Paper #]SCE94-31
The Fabrication of planar-type junctions using Bi_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_x superconducting thin films

Takehiko Ohtsuki,  Akio Kuzuhara,  Hiroki Fujii,  Kazushige Ohbayashi,  Masumi Inoue,  Akira Fujimaki,  Hisao Hayakawa,  

[Paper #]SCE94-32
YBCO Flux Flow Transistors (1)

Zhongmin Wen,  Hitoshi Abe,  

[Paper #]SCE94-33
Quasiparticle injection effects of a high-T_c YBCO superconducting film

Qian Wang,  Ienari Iguchi,  

[Paper #]SCE94-34
Novel Memory Cell Using Chaos in Josephson Circuit

Hiroshi Noguchi,  Masayuki Yamadaya,  Mititada Morisue,  Akinori Kanasugi,  

[Paper #]SCE94-35


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