Information and Systems-Knowledge-Based Software Engineering(Date:1997/09/12)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Electronic Binder System : Promotion of an ISO9001-based quality sistem using the WWW

Atsuo Hazeyama,  Miho Hanawa,  

[Paper #]KBSE97-15
Constraint Satisfaction Approach for Office Applications

Shigeo KANEDA,  

[Paper #]KBSE97-16
A Distributed Expert System for Groupware Design

Behrouz H. FAR,  Zenya KOONO,  

[Paper #]KBSE97-17
A developer support system in the requirements specification process using structures of documents

Tomofumi UETAKE,  Morio NAGATA,  

[Paper #]KBSE97-18
A Model of Human Error Generation Process in Software Development and its Verification through Experimental Software Development

Seiichi Komiya,  Yutaka Ishizaki,  

[Paper #]KBSE97-19


[Paper #]