Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2018/01/18)

[Invited Talk] Modeling and Countermeasure for Explosive User Dynamics Including Flaming in Online Social Networks

Masaki Aida(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-92
[Invited Talk] Introduction of Neural Network Libraries/Console to Realize Efficient Deep Learning Development

Yoshiyuki Kobayashi(Sony Corp.),  Takuya Narihira(Sony Corp.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-91
On the Effectiveness of Influence Measures for Identifying Influencers and their Correlations in Social Networks

Shumpei Takemura(UoT),  Sho Tsugawa(UoT),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-88
A Fair Water-Filling Power Assignment for Macro-Femto HetNets

Bo Gu(Kogakuin Univ.),  Mianxiong Dong(Muroran-IT),  Cheng Zhang(Waseda Univ.),  Zhi Liu(Shizuoka Univ.),  Yoshiaki Tanaka(Waseda Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-85
A study on estimation of mobile communication quality considering user communication behavior by multi agent simulation

Akihiro Shiozu(NTT),  Daisuke Ikegami(NTT),  Jun Okamoto(NTT),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-89
An Openflow-based Management Framework for Sensor and Actuator Networks

Rui Kang(UEC),  Celimuge Wu(UEC),  Tsutomu Yoshinaga(UEC),  Yusheng Ji(NII),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-87
Evaluation on performance gain of an SDN-based handover approach in IEEE 802.11p and LTE hybrid vehicular networks

Ran Duo(UEC),  Celimuge Wu(UEC),  Tsutomu Yoshinaga(UEC),  Yusheng Ji(NII),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-86
An Economic Approach for Co-created Quality in Communication Networks

Kyoko Yamori(Asahi Univ.),  Iwai Takanori(NEC),  Nobukiyo Takahiro(NEC),  Onishi Takeo(NEC),  Satoda Kozo(NEC),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-90
QoE Assessment of Audio-Video IP Transmission with a Reliable Groupcast Scheme and Adaptive Modulation over a Wireless LAN

Kenya Mizutani(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.),  Toshiro Nunome(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-97
Accurate Delay Estimation in Parallel Measurement of Multiple Probe Flows

Shintaro Hirakawa(Nagaoka Univ. of Technology),  Kohei Watabe(Nagaoka Univ. of Technology),  Kenji Nakagawa(Nagaoka Univ. of Technology),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-93
Quality of experience assessment in hands-free communications

Sachiko Kurihara(NTT),  Suehiro Shimauchi(NTT),  Masahiro Fukui(NTT),  Noboru Harada(NTT),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-96
Time series analysis of failure rates of equipments for telecommunication networks.

Hiroyuki Funakoshi(NTT),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-101
Analysis of Area-to-area Cascading Failure Rate for Telecommunications Networks

Soshi Iwaori(Tokyo City Univ.),  Masahiro Hayashi(Tokyo City Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-102
Softness Assessment of Objects in Remote Robot System with Haptics

Ryo Arima(NIT),  Pingguo Huang(Seijoh Univ.),  Yutaka Ishibashi(NIT),  Yuichiro Tateiwa(NIT),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-98
Spatio-Temporal Mobile Call Demand Estimation in the Kumamoto Earthquakes

Lei Zhong(NII),  Kiyoshi Takano(UTokyo),  Kunikazu Yoda(NII),  Yusheng Ji(NII),  Shigeki Yamada(NII),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-94
Data distribution Index for Autonomous Systems

Masahiro Teshi(Gifu Univ.),  Michiko Harayama(Gifu Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-95
A New Approximation Method for Probability of Graph being Connected

Yuta Kiuchi(Tokyo City Univ.),  Masahiro Hayashi(Tokyo City Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-100
A method of sending out RTS/CTS frames with better timing on WLANs

Yutaka Shimamura(Okayama Pref Univ),  Hiroshi Inai(Okayama Pref Univ),  

[Paper #]CQ2017-99