Information and Systems-Educational Technology(Date:2020/11/14)

An analysis of the relationship between student entrance exam style, literary tendency, and laboratory assignment

Yawen Li(Tokyo University of Science),  Shinya Nogami(Tokyo University of Science),  

[Paper #]ET2020-29
Study on entrance examination method and yield rate

Xu Xin(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  Shinya Nogami(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  

[Paper #]ET2020-28
Attempt to Reduce Labeling Cost by Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Estimating Mental States of Each Learner Using Biometric Information

Yoshihisa Furusawa(Waseda Univ.),  Yoshimasa Tawatsuji(Waseda Univ.),  Tatsunori Matsui(Waseda Univ.),  

[Paper #]ET2020-30
Reading Comprehension Assist System for generating comprehensible input based on Second Language Aquisition

Masato Watanabe(KYOCERA),  Shotaro Nagao(KYOCERA),  Shun Sugahara(KYOCERA),  Toshikazu Kanaoka(KYOCERA),  

[Paper #]ET2020-33
Trial of Programming Education for Elementary School Lower Grades

Yuki Kamiya(Suzuka Junior College),  

[Paper #]ET2020-31
Investigation of Learning Effects of Mathematical and Data Science Education in Kagawa University

Fujisawa Shuhei(Kagawa Univ.),  Toshihiro Hayashi(Kagawa Univ.),  Naka Gotoda(Kagawa Univ.),  No Takata(Benesse),  Yuki Hatori(Benesse),  Kohei shibatani(Benesse),  

[Paper #]ET2020-32