Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Ultrasonics(Date:2014/08/18)



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Analysis of Quality Factor of Quartz-crystal Tuning Forks in Consideration of Piezoelectric Effect

Keisuke SUGIURA,  Hideaki ITOH,  

[Paper #]US2014-33
Doppler effects of when sound speed and sea current vary with propagation

Shokichi TANAKA,  Tomoo KAMAKURA,  Hideyuki NOMURA,  

[Paper #]US2014-34
Development of Analysis Techniques for Backscattering data using Multi Beam Echo Sounder : A practical realization of the wide area survey technology for marine mineral resource exploration

Fuyuki KATASE,  Akira ASADA,  Katsunori MIZUNO,  

[Paper #]US2014-35
Measurement of 3D acoustic imagery using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar : A practical realization of the wide area survey technology for marine mineral resource exploration

Mitsuhiro KOJIMA,  Akira ASADA,  Aritoshi MIO,  Katsunori MIZUNO,  Tamaki URA,  

[Paper #]US2014-36
Refraction index of phononic crystal lens influenced by structure parameter and analysis of sound field focusing by phononic crystal lens

Takenobu TSUCHIYA,  Kazuma SHIMIZU,  Tetsuo ANADA,  Nobuyuki ENDOH,  Sayuri MATSUMOTO,  Kazuyoshi MORI,  

[Paper #]US2014-37
Development and practical use of the Non-contact Thickness Gauging Equipment

Kazuhiro SHIRAI,  Taketugu HIRABAYASHI,  Sayuri MATUMOTO,  

[Paper #]US2014-38
Measurement of directivity and source level variation for sound produced by snapping shrimp gathered in Hashirimizu Port at Yokosuka

Kazuyoshi MORI,  Hanako OGASAWARA,  Toshiaki NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]US2014-39
Ocean Environmental Monitoring by AUV for Sound Propagation Analysis

Hanako OGASAWARA,  Kazuyoshi MORI,  Toshiaki NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]US2014-40
Adaptive impedance Matching of Piezoelectric Transducer for Underwater Acoustic Communication

Yosuke SAITO,  Tadashi EBIHARA,  Koichi MIZUTANI,  Naoto WAKATSUKI,  Hanako OGASAWARA,  

[Paper #]US2014-41
Excavation of baleen whale vocalization in waveform data obtained with ocean bottom seismometers off Hokkaido and Tohoku district

Ryoichi IWASE,  

[Paper #]US2014-42


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Notice for Photocopying


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