Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Smart Info-Media Systems(Date:2020/06/03)

[Invited Talk] Data compression and pattern matching

Takuya Kida(Hokkai-Gakuen Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-5
Luminance-Independent Hue Image Generation Method Based on CIELAB Color Space

Yuma Kinoshita(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-1
[Tutorial Lecture] Clarification of Statistical Properties of Phase-Only Correlation Functions Based on Directional Statistics

Shunsuke Yamaki(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-4
A Proposal of Backlit Image Enhancement by Using Histogram Specification

Yoshiaki Ueda(Fukuoka Univ.),  Takanori Koga(Kindai Univ.),  Noriaki Suetake(Yamaguchi Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-2
A Color Image Quantization Method Taking Account of Chromatic Visual Impression

Yukiya Fukuda(Kyutech),  Ryosuke Kubota(NIT,UC),  Hakaru Tamukoh(Kyutech),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-3
Two-layer lossless image coding compatible with JPEG XS

Hiroyuki Kobayashi(TMCIT),  Hitoshi Kiya(TMU),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-7
Morphological Filters with Multiple Structuring Elements and Its Software Implementation by Using SIMD instructions

Gouki Okada(CIT),  Makoto Nakashizuka(CIT),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-6
2D Convolutional Neural Network-Based Technique for Non-Contact Heart Rate Estimation

Mai Kimura(Tottori Univ),  Naoto Sasaoka(Tottori Univ),  Ivan Bajic(SFU),  Yoshio Itoh(Tottori Univ),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-8
An experimental comparison of CNN- and CRNN-CTC for automatic phrase speech recognition systems using a children's speech database

Yunzhe Wang(Hokkaido Univ.),  Yu Tian(Hokkaido Univ.),  Yoshikazu Miyanaga(CIST),  Hiroshi Tsutsui(Hokkaido Univ.),  

[Paper #]SIS2020-9