Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Nonlinear Problems(Date:2015/01/19)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Finding plural solutions in high dimensional optimization problems using PSO with temporal couplings

Kensuke KIMURA,  Hidehiro NAKANO,  Arata MIYAUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-113
A flooding scheme considering battery level in wireless sensor networks using chaotic neural networks

Ryohei SATO,  Hidehiro NAKANO,  Arata MIYAUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-114
A Class of Non-Optimum-Time FSSP Algorithms for One-Dimensional Arrays - A Survey

Hiroshi UMEO,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-115
The control of radio control car and video game using steady-state visual evoked potential

Keita YUZAWA,  Yuuki NAGASAWA,  Kiyohisa NATSUME,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-116
The electroencephalogram related to English rhythm learning

Shintaro Yamamoto,  Kiyohisa Natsume,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-117
Analysis on Optimal Markov Code for DS/SS to Minimize the BER

Yoshimasa NARUMIYA,  Mikio HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-118
Bifurcation Phenomena of the Hybrid Dyanmical System with Two Different Periodic External Forces

Takahiro HIRAMURE,  Takayuki FUJII,  Hiroyuki ASAHARA,  Takuji KOUSAKA,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-119
A Study on Stability of Steam Supply Networks by Graph-Based Representation

Hikaru HOSHINO,  Yoshihiko SUSUKI,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-120
Chaos in Scale-Free Networks of Coupled Oscillators

Takuya KITAMURA,  Seiichiro MORO,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-121
Analysis on dynamical behavior of coupled map on a ring lattice with high degree

Yutaka SHIMADA,  Kantaro FUJIWARA,  Tohru IKEGUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-122
Possibility of predicting large scale earthquake using time-varying statistics

Sofien BOUALI,  Yutaka SHIMADA,  Kantaro FUJIWARA,  Tohru IKEGUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-123
An Analysis of Temperature Distribution Data in Building Atrium by Dynamic Mode Decomposition

Yohei KONO,  Yoshihiko SUSUKI,  Mitsunori HAYASHIDA,  Takashi HIKIHARA,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-124
A study on the method of biological pacemaker creation based on the bifurcation analysis of a ventricular cell model with hyperpolarization-activated current introduced

Yoshiki OGAWA,  Shinji DOI,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-125
A chaotic spiking oscillator circuit that acts as a filter of spike trains

Masatoshi YAMAGUCHI,  Seiji UENOHARA,  Takashi MORIE,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-126
The dependence to the active neuron's parameter of the searching performance for TSP's solutions by using DS-net

Hikaru OKUDA,  Yoshihiro HAYAKAWA,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-127
An Application of RRT Algorithm to Reliability Assessment of Energy Systems

Yoshihiko SUSUKI,  T. John KOO,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-128
Analysis of Nonlinear Piecewise-linear Hysteresis Chaotic Oscillator

Kazuki IMAI,  Takuya KURIHARA,  Kenya JIN'NO,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-129
Experimental verification of bifurcation of manifold piecewise linear system with switching delay and its control

Asuka NISHIMURA,  Tadashi TSUBONE,  

[Paper #]NLP2014-130
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