Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Circuits and Systems(Date:2004/09/07)



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Analysis of the drug sensitivity of myocardial cells based on the global bifurcation structure with respect to ionic channel conductances

Sayaka NAGATA,  Shinji DOI,  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-28,NLP2004-40
Genetic Method for Floorplan by O-Tree in Consideration of the Initial Solution

Kimihiko NUMAYAMA,  Hiroshi NINOMIYA,  Hideki ASAI,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-29,NLP2004-41
Analysis of Multi-agent Systems on Planer Cells consisting of Local Interaction and GP Learning and its Applications

Shozo TOKINAGA,  Jianjung LU,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-30,NLP2004-42
A complex variable approach to finding real periodic solutions using homotopy

Takashi HISAKADO,  Tomotaka NARUSE,  Kohshi OKUMURA,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-31,NLP2004-43
A study of the learning algorithm based on homotopy method for feedforward neural networks

Chikahiro TOMITA,  Masahiro YOSHIDA,  Hiroshi NINOMIYA,  Hideki ASAI,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-32,NLP200-44
The Determination of Molecular Structures by the Optimization with a Gaussian Objective Function

Ryoji USUI,  Shinji DOI,  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-33,NLP2004-45
Dynamics of Two-population Chicken Games with Erroneous Perceptions

Takafumi KANAZAWA,  Toshimitsu USHIO,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-34,NLP2004-46
Electromagnetic Field Simulation Using FDTD Method with Variable Mesh Size

Hirofumi SUZUKI,  Hidemasa KUBOTA,  Hideki ASAI,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-35,NLP2004-47
Development and validation of hybrid-type power system simulator

Yasuhiro TAKAMA,  Yoshihiko SUSUKI,  Tsuyoshi FUNAKI,  Takashi HIKIHARA,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-36,NLP2004-48
Operators on Multi-level Delta-Sigma Modulated Signals

Kazutoshi MATSUYAMA,  Hisato FUJISAKA,  Takeshi KAMIO,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-37,NLP2004-49
Algebraic Expression of Verification Region for Describing Function using Groebner base

Masakazu YAGI,  Takashi HISAKADO,  Kohshi OKUMURA,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-38,NLP2004-50
A Study on Identification Method of Isotropic Vector Hysteresis Model Constructed by Superposition of Play Hysterons

Tetsuji MATSUO,  Masaaki SHIMASAKI,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-39,NLP2004-51
Blowout bifurcation and on-off intermittency in a pulse neural network with two modules

Takashi KANAMARU,  Masatoshi SEKINE,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-40,NLP2004-52
Computational Ordering Method with Consideration of Memory Access by Auto-Modification Indirect Addressing

Yuhei Kaneko,  Nobuhiko Sugino,  Akinori Nishihara,  

[Paper #]CAS2004-41,NLP2004-53


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