Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Circuits and Systems(Date:1993/06/19)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Neural algorithms for placement ploblems

Kiichi Urahama,  Hiroshi Nishiyuki,  

[Paper #]CAS93-42,NLP93-30
Clustering of Data with Mutual Distances

Kouichi Yamamoto,  Kiichi Urahama,  

[Paper #]CAS93-43,NLP93-31
A Binary Associative Memory with Multilayered Perceptrons

Chun-ying Ho,  Shinsaku Mori,  

[Paper #]CAS93-44,NLP93-32
Hopfield Neural Network Using Oscillatory Unit of Sigmoidal Input- Average Output Characteristics and Method of Energy-Value Extraction

Keiichi Yoshino,  Yoshiaki Watanabe,  Tetsuro Kakeshita,  

[Paper #]CAS93-45,NLP93-33
Calculation method of generalized described function baset on Volterrta series

Satoshi Ichikawa,  Yasuhiro Kamoo,  

[Paper #]CAS93-46,NLP93-34
Perturbation Theory of Systems with Fuzzy Mappings and its Application

Yasunori Endo,  Satoshi Sakamoto,  Kazuo Horiuchi,  

[Paper #]CAS93-47,NLP93-35
An Estimation Method of Computer Complexity and Solution Path in Newton Type Homotopy Method

Mitsunori Makino,  Masahide Kashiwagi,  Shin'ichi Oishi,  

[Paper #]CAS93-48,NLP93-36
Availability of overlapped block relaxation newton method for large scaled circuit simulation

Nobuyuki Tanaka,  Yoshimitsu Arai,  

[Paper #]CAS93-49,NLP93-37
Piecewise-Linear Analysis of Nonlinear Resistive Networks Containing Gummel-Poon Models or Shichman-Hodges Models

Kiyotaka Yamamura,  Nobuo Sekiguchi,  

[Paper #]CAS93-50,NLP93-38
An Algorithm for Representation of Nonseparable Function in Separable

Kiyotaka Yamamura,  Taiko Murayama,  

[Paper #]CAS93-51,NLP93-39
An Algorithm for Representation of Nonseparable Functions in Separable Forms

Kiyotaka Yamamura,  Taiko Murayama,  

[Paper #]CAS92-52,NLP93-40
Numerical Validation Method for Nonlinear Equations Using Interval Method and Rational Arithnetic

Masahide Kashiwagi,  Shin'ichi Oishi,  

[Paper #]CAS93-53,NLP93-41
Numerical Verification of Existence of Periodic Solutions to the Duffing Equation

Shin'ichi Oishi,  

[Paper #]CAS93-54,NLP93-42
A Consideration on the Error-Bound of Solutions of the Lienard Equation by Piecewise-Linear Approximation

Tosiro Koga,  Hideaki Nakagaki,  

[Paper #]CAS93-55,NLP93-43


[Paper #]