


[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Miniaturization and characteristic evaluation of variable optical attenuator using curved long period fiber grating

Ryota Sakaguchi,  Hisami Nishi,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-25,CPM2006-55,OPE2006-67,LQE2006-32
Small-Radius 90°-Bent Optical Fiber for Optical Interconnection

Masahito MORIMOTO,  Masao SHINODA,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-26,CPM2006-56,OPE2006-68,LQE2006-33
Novel gain spectrum control method employing gain clamping and pump power adjustment in thulium doped fiber amplifier

Shinichi Aozasa,  Hiroji Masuda,  Makoto Shimizu,  Makoto Yamada,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-27,CPM2006-57,OPE2006-69,LQE2006-34


[Paper #]EMD2006-28,CPM2006-58,OPE2006-70,LQE2006-35
Synchronization of an over 160GHz optical beat signal by optical phase-locked loop technique

Shigehiro TAKASAKA,  Yasuyuki OZEKI,  Shu NAMIKI,  Misao SAKANO,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-29,CPM2006-59,OPE2006-71,LQE2006-36
Arrayed-waveguide Grating with Wavefront Compensation Lenses for Hybrid Integration

Mitsuhiro YASUMOTO,  Takanori SUZUKI,  Atsushi TATE,  Daisuke MIYAMOTO,  Hiroyuki TSUDA,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-30,CPM2006-60,OPE2006-72,LQE2006-37
Fabrication of a compact arrayed-waveguide grating using small bend structures with low-refractive index material

Jiro Ito,  Takanori Suzuki,  Tom Fan,  Atsushi Tate,  Hiroyuki Tsuda,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-31,CPM2006-61,OPE2006-73,LQE2006-38
Low Loss Polysilane Single-mode 1×N Splitters with Spot-size Conversion Circuits

Toshihiro Suda,  Soichi Kobayashi,  Masayuki Sawada,  Toshinori Miyakawa,  Yuki Sugai,  Kouhei Ogura,  Hiroshi Tsushima,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-32,CPM2006-62,OPE2006-74,LQE2006-39
Adhesives for Fabricating Optical Devices

Yutaka Murakoshi,  Norio Murata,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-33,CPM2006-63,OPE2006-75,LQE2006-40
Durability of Optical Connectors with Scratched End-Face

Ryo NAGASE,  Masao INOUE,  Junji TAIRA,  Masato SHIINO,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-34,CPM2006-64,OPE2006-76,LQE2006-41
Analysis of oscillation condition of composite resonator

Tomoyuki KATO,  Kohroh KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-35,CPM2006-65,OPE2006-77,LQE2006-42
Examination of single photon emission from Te isoelectronic centers in ZnSe

Masafumi JO,  Michiaki ENDO,  Hidekazu KUMANO,  Ikuo SUEMUNE,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-36,CPM2006-66,OPE2006-78,LQE2006-43
Development of Surface-Wave Enhanced Plasma Apparatus and Application to Semiconductor Processing

Haruki SHOJI,  Hisashi FUKUDA,  Masakazu FURUKAWA,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-37,CPM2006-67,OPE2006-79,LQE2006-44
Properties of Ultra Thin Flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistor Fabricated on Polyimide Thin Film Substrate

Shigetaka KATORI,  Tokutaro KOMATSU,  Takashi KURIHARA,  Noriyuki SHIMOJI,  Kazumi MATSUSHIGE,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-38,CPM2006-68,OPE2006-80,LQE2006-45
Two-photon absorption characteristics of organoboron materials

Takeshi YAMAO,  Shu HOTTA,  Takahiro HORIGUCHI,  Shizuo FUJITA,  Hirohisa KANBARA,  Yuhei MORI,  Takashi KURIHARA,  Masaie FUJINO,  Yuya NAGATA,  Yoshiki CHUJO,  Seiji AKIYAMA,  Kumiko TAKENOUCHI,  Shuuichi MAEDA,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-39,CPM2006-69,OPE2006-81,LQE2006-46
Holographic Memory Materials Based on Stepwise Two-photon Absorption with Oligothiophenes II

Yuhei MORI,  Hirohisa KANBARA,  Katsuhiko HIRABAYASHI,  Takashi KURIHARA,  Masafumi ADACHI,  Yutaka SASAKI,  Shuichi MAEDA,  Masaki SHIMIZU,  Tamejiro HIYAMA,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-40,CPM2006-70,OPE2006-82,LQE2006-47
Optical Data Transmission Module Using Polymer Waveguide

Shigemi OHTSU,  Toshihiko SUZUKI,  Akira FUJII,  Kazutoshi YATSUDA,  Keishi Shimizu,  Eiichi AKUTSU,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-41,CPM2006-71,OPE2006-83,LQE2006-48
Bi-directional Module with a Thermoplastic WDM Lens

Atsushi KAWAMURA,  Tatsuo HATTA,  

[Paper #]EMD2006-42,CPM2006-72,OPE2006-84,LQE2006-49
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