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Membrane BH-DFB Laser with Surface Corrugation Grating

Shinichi SAKAMOTO,  Hideyuki NAITOH,  Shigeo TAMURA,  Takeo Maruyama,  Shigehisa ARAI,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-15,LQE2006-19
100℃, 10Gb/s operation of 1.3-μm InGaAsP DFB lasers with a buried heterostructure using Ru-doped semi-insulating InP

Ryuzo IGA,  Yasuhiro KONDO,  Tatsuya TAKESHITA,  Kenji KISHI,  Masahiro Yuda,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-16,LQE2006-20
Reduced threshold current in 1.3μm GaInNAs-SQW RWG-lasers with Al free MBE growth

Koichiro ADACHI,  Kouji NAKAHARA,  Junichi KASAI,  Takeshi KITATANI,  Tomonobu TSUCHIYA,  Masahiro AOKI,  Masahiko KONDOW,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-17,LQE2006-21
1.3μm p-doped quantum dot lasers : low driving current temperature stable 10Gb/s direct modulation between 20℃ and 90℃

Mitsuru ISHIDA,  Nobuaki HATORI,  Koji OTSUBO,  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO,  Yoshiaki NAKATA,  Hiroji EBE,  Mitsuru SUGAWARA,  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-18,LQE2006-22
Improvement of Characteristic Temperature of GaInAsP/InP Quantum-Wire DFB Lasers by Bragg Wavelength Detuning

Yoshifumi Nishimoto,  Dhanorm Plumwongrot,  Takeo Maruyama,  Shigehisa Arai,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-19,LQE2006-23
Development of 40Gbit/s NRZ All-optical Wavelength Converter Module

Tatsuo HATTA,  Toshiharu MIYAHARA,  Yasunori MIYAZAKI,  Kazuhisa TAKAGI,  Keisuke MATSUMOTO,  Toshitaka AOYAGI,  Ken MISHINA,  Akihiro MARUTA,  Ken-ichi KITAYAMA,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-20,LQE2006-24
Mach-Zehnder Modulator with InGaAs/InAlAs Five-Layer Asymmetric Coupled Quantum Well (FACQW)

Taro ARAKAWA,  Yoshinari NAKADA,  Hiroaki MIYAKE,  Takahiro UCHIMURA,  Kunio TADA,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-21,LQE2006-25
Short and Low Driving Voltage Phase Modulators using InGaAs/InAlAs Double Coupled Quantum Wells

Hideki OHE,  Tomohiro AMEMIYA,  Hiromasa SHIMIZU,  Yoshiaki NAKANO,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-22,LQE2006-26
Optical nonlinear phase-shifter using vertical micro-cavity with saturable absorber

Satoshi SUDA,  Go HIRANO,  Fumio KOYAMA,  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA,  Catherine CANEAU,  Chung-En ZAH,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-23,LQE2006-27
Study of the optical deflector and switch by using the thermo-optic effect

Mizuho MOGI,  Taichi YOSIOKA,  Yu SIMIZU,  Kazuhiko SHIMOMURA,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-24,LQE2006-28
Investigation of Operation Performance of a Semiconductor Integrated Optical Digital-to-Analog Converter

Kengo SAWADA,  Hiroyuki UENOHARA,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-25,LQE2006-29
Optical Kerr Nonlinearity in Silicon Photonic Crystal Waveguides : Four-wave mixing process

Masao Kato,  Eiichi Kuramochi,  Akihiko Sinya,  Takasumi Tanabe,  Hanako Masaya Notomi,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-26,LQE2006-30
Wide-band Optical Circuits for PLC 2xN Splitters

Hiroshi ISHIKAWA,  Tomoyuki HAKUTA,  Masahiro OHKAWA,  Hitoshi SUZUKI,  Makoto HORIE,  

[Paper #]OPE2006-27,LQE2006-31


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