Electronics-Organic Material Electronics(Date:2007/11/02)



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[Paper #]
Development of Photo-Assisted Polymerization Process for Fullerenes

Hiroshi Yamamoto,  Nobuyuki Iwata,  Shingo Ando,  Ryo Nokariya,  Yasunari Iio,  

[Paper #]OME2007-48
Effects of V_2O_5 thin film insertion to CuPc thin film FETs

Toshiaki TAKAHASHI,  Shohei KITAMURA,  Masahiro MINAGAWA,  Yasuo OHDAIRA,  Akira BABA,  Kazunari SHINBO,  Keizo KATO,  Futao KANEKO,  

[Paper #]OME2007-49
Electrical and Electro-optical properties of poly (3-hexylthiophene) field effect transistors

Hiroshi NAGAI,  Eiji ITOH,  Keiichi MIYAIRI,  

[Paper #]OME2007-50
Measurement of electron barrier height at polymeric semiconductor/cathode interface by internal photoemission spectroscopy

Koji Yamada,  Eiji Itoh,  Keiichi Miyairi,  

[Paper #]OME2007-51
Electrically Tuning of Laser Action in One-dimensionally Ordered Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal

Kyoji Yagi,  Masayoshi Ojima,  Yuichi Kawahira,  Akihiko Fujii,  Masanori Ozaki,  

[Paper #]OME2007-52
High Efficiency Ultraviolet Organic Light Emitting Devices and Its Application to White Light Source

Yuuki MIZUNO,  Akiyoshi MIKAMI,  

[Paper #]OME2007-53
Preparation and Evaluation of Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) LB Films : Synthesis of Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) and Preparation of Gold Nanoparticle Films

Tetsuya KOIDE,  Masahito KUSHIDA,  

[Paper #]OME2007-54
Preparation of an Enzymatic Glucose Sensor based on Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Langmuir-Bodgett Films : Adsorption of Glucose Oxidase into Positively Charged Molecular Layers

Hitoshi OHNUKI,  Akira KUSAKARI,  Mitsuru IZUMI,  

[Paper #]OME2007-55
Preparation of Thermally Stable Proton Conductive Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials

Yusuke AOKI,  

[Paper #]OME2007-56
Toward an application of a hybrid material made with PDMS and inorganic components to gasket

Seiji MAGARA,  Yusuke AOKI,  Takuya SHINDOU,  

[Paper #]OME2007-57


[Paper #]OME2007-58


[Paper #]OME2007-59


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Notice for Photocopying


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