Electronics-Electron Devices(Date:1996/10/11)



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[Paper #]
New semiconductors TlInGaP and their gas source MBE growth

K. Yamamoto,  H. Asahi,  M. Fushida,  K. Iwata,  H. Koh,  K. Asami,  S. Gonda,  K. Oe,  

[Paper #]ED96-98,CPM96-76
Crystal Growth of GaAsP/Si(100) by Metal-Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Y. Watanabe,  T. Yasui,  M. Yoshimoto,  H. Matsunami,  

[Paper #]ED96-99,CPM96-77
Growth of GaInN Alloy Layer and Its Compositional Inhomogeneity

Akihiro WAKAHARA,  Takashi TOKUDA,  Xiao-Zhong DANG,  Susumu NODA,  Akio SASAKI,  

[Paper #]ED96-100,CPM96-78
Epitaxial Growth of high quality ZnSe based Semiconductors on GaAs (110) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Hyun-Chul Ko,  Doo-Cheol Park,  Yoichi Kawakami,  Shizuo Fujita,  Shigeo Fujita,  

[Paper #]ED96-101,CPM96-79
Observation of Lattice Relaxation Process of InAs Strained Layer During Growth and Growth Interruption

T. Nakayama,  H. Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]ED96-102,CPM96-80
Formation of InAs islands on InP(001) by droplet hetero-epitaxy

Y. Nonogaki,  T. Iguchi,  Y. Fujiwara,  Y. Takeda,  

[Paper #]ED96-103,CPM96-81
AFM Obserbations of Self-organized InAs Quantum Dots on AlAs/GaAs Fractional Layer Superlattices

Kazuyuki UNO,  Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO,  

[Paper #]ED96-104,CPM96-82
MOMBE selective-area growth of GaAs nano-structures using GaN mask layer and STM surface modification

Toshiki Makimoto,  Makoto Kasu,  Naoki Kobayashi,  

[Paper #]ED96-105,CPM96-83
The Grain Boundary Effect on Reliability of BST Capacitors used for GaAs ICs

Atsushi Noma,  Daisuke Ueda,  

[Paper #]ED96-106,CPM96-84
Fabrication of semiconductor device for double-slit experiment and hot-electron interference

Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO,  Hiroo HONGO,  Michihiko SUHARA,  Kazuhito FURUYA,  

[Paper #]ED96-107,CPM96-85
Mechanism of Ns Degradation in InAlAs/InGaAs HJFETs

A. Wakejima,  K. Onda,  A. Fujihara,  E. Mizuki,  M. Kuzuhara,  M. Kanamori,  

[Paper #]ED96-108,CPM96-86
Optical Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wire Superlattices Grown on V-grooved Substrates

Xue-Lun Wang,  Mutsuo Ogura,  Hirofumi Matsuhata,  Tetsuya Tada,  

[Paper #]ED96-109,CPM96-87
Recombination dyanamics of InGaN quantum wells by time-resolved photoluminescence

Y. Narukawa,  Y. Kawakami,  Sz. Fujita,  Sg. Fujita,  

[Paper #]ED96-110,CPM96-88
Atom configuration around Er atoms doped in InP grown by OMVPE : analysis by Fluorescence EXAFS

H. Ofuchi,  R. Kwamura,  J. Tsuchiya,  N. Matsubara,  M. Tabuchi,  Y. Fujiwara,  Y. Takeda,  

[Paper #]ED96-111,CPM96-89


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