Communication-Ad Hoc Networks(Date:2013/06/13)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
The development status of PALSAR-2 onboard ALOS-2

Yukihiro KANKAKU,  Yuji OSAWA,  Shinichi SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-14
Synthetic Aperture Radar Compatible with 100kg Class Satellite

Hirobumi SAITO,  Atsushi TOMIKI,  Prilando Rizki AKBAR,  Takashi OHTANI,  Kunitoshi NISHIJO,  Josaphat Tetuko Sri SUMANTYO,  Jiro HIROKAWA,  Makoto ANDO,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-15
A Study on Ka-band High Speed Transmission System for Earth Exploration Satellites : Study on LDPC codes and VCM/ACM System

Yoshiyuki TASHIMA,  Kazuya INAOKA,  Tomohiro ARAKI,  Masaaki SHIMADA,  Masanobu YAJIMA,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-16


[Paper #]SANE2013-17
Status and Early On-orbit Performance of GCOM-W1 and AMSR2

Marehito KASAHARA,  Toshitaka SASAKI,  Norimasa ITO,  Masaaki MOKUNO,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-18
Devising of snow estimation method over the frozen ground by using the AMSR-E, MODIS and AVNIR-2

Hiroyuki TSUTSUI,  Toshio KOIKE,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-19
Investigation of the Estimation of Soil moisture and the Soil Parameter in the Dry Season in Cambodia Using the Land Data Assimilation System Developed at the University of Tokyo (LDAS-UT)

Katsunori TAMAGAWA,  Toshio KOIKE,  Mohamed RASMY,  Kumiko TSUJIMOTO,  Kentaro / AIDA,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-20
EarthCARE/CPR Critical Design Results and Flight Model Verification Plan

Kazuyuki OKADA,  Eiichi TOMITA,  Toshiyoshi KIMURA,  Hirotaka NAKATSUKA,  Yoshihisa AIDA,  Yoshihiro SEKI,  Yoshiya IIDE,  Gaku KADOSAKI,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-21
Development of Level-1 algorithm and introduction of calibration methods of Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)

Takeshi Masaki,  Takuji Kubota,  Riko Oki,  Misako Kachi,  Satoshi Kida,  Yuki Kaneko,  Masahiro Kojima,  Kinji Furukawa,  Takeshi Miura,  Hiroki Kai,  Toshio Iguchi,  Hiroshi Hanado,  Naofumi Yoshida,  Tomohiko Higashiuwatoko,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-22
Results from GOSAT 4-year operation

Akihiko Kuze,  kei Shiomi,  Daisuke Sakaizawa,  Hiroshi Suto,  Toru Takeda,  Masakatsu Nakajima,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-23
Long-Distance WPT Experiment using Small Scientific Satellite toward Solar Power Satellite

Koji TANAKA,  Ken-iciro MAKI,  Atsushi TOMIKI,  Susumu SASAKI,  Daisuke JOUDOI,  Katsumi MAKINO,  Hitoshi IKEDA,  Tatsuhito FUJITA,  Daisuke GOTO,  Kazuo OHASHI,  WG SPS,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-24
Prototype Testing of Panel for Power Generator and Microwave Transmitter used in Space Solar Power Systems

Nobuo Adachi,  Daisuke Joudoi,  Katsumi Makino,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-25
Current Status of Development for Lithium-ion Cell Applied to Spacecraft

Makoto KAWASE,  Hitoshi NAITO,  Tetsuya OJIMA,  Hiroaki KUSAWAKE,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-26
Technical Issues for Small Observation Satellites

Korehiro MAEDA,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-27
Application of Thin-Film Deployment Mechanism as De-orbit Device from Low Earth Orbit

Toshinori KUWAHARA,  Yoshihiro TOMIOKA,  Tatsuaki HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-28
Development and operation results of SDS-4

Hiroyuki MORISHITA,  Koichi INOUE,  Yosuke NAKAMURA,  Takashi OHTANI,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-29
Development and Results of On-orbit Experiment of Flat-plate Heat Pipe onboard SDS-4

Makiko ANDO,  Atsushi OKAMOTO,  Masakatsu MAEDA,  Hiroyuki SUGITA,  

[Paper #]SANE2013-30
SPAISE1 : Review of the first year experiments


[Paper #]SANE2013-31
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