Communication-Ad Hoc Networks(Date:1997/11/17)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A study on horizontal slice imaging of subsurface radar's output

Kyoji Doi,  Noriaki Kimura,  Shingo Kumabe,  Akira Kawamoto,  

[Paper #]SANE97-75
Examining trees with Ground Penetrating Radar

Adam O'Neill,  Kenji Tanaka,  Asako Itami,  

[Paper #]SANE97-76
Detection of Pipe Buried in 5m Depth by Pulse Compression Subsurface Radar Using Short Chirp signal

Yoshiyuki TOMIZAWA,  Ikuo ARAI,  Hiroshi KAJIO,  

[Paper #]SANE97-77
Seismo Precursory Electromagnetic Phenomena and Earthquake Prediction

Masashi Hayakawa,  

[Paper #]SANE97-78
Anomalies in the characteristics of Earth-ionosphere VLF propagation, associated with earthquakes

N. Yamamoto,  M. Hayakawa,  E. Kawai,  O.A. Molchanov,  

[Paper #]SANE97-79
Precursory electromagnetic phenomena associated with a big earthquake in Indonesia on Febrary 17,1996

Tetsuya Itoh,  Masashi Hayakawa,  

[Paper #]SANE97-80
Analyses of ULF magnetic data associated with the 1997 Kagoshima earthquake

Katsumi Hattori,  Masashi Hayakawa,  Kiyofumi Yumoto,  Toshiyasu Nagao,  Seiya Uyeda,  

[Paper #]SANE97-81
Study on Application of Radar Technique to Explore Mineral Resources (2) : In-situ GPR Test in Gold Mine

Akihiko CHIBA,  Eiichi ARAI,  Kazuya OKADA,  

[Paper #]SANE97-82
Antenna Compensation Method Using Direct Coupling Wave for Polarimetric Borehole Radar Measurement

Takashi Miwa,  Motoyuki Sato,  Hiroaki Niitsuma,  

[Paper #]SANE97-83
Development of Multi-Frequency Array Induction Logging (MAIL) Tool: Field Test Result of the Deep-Seated Geothermal Reservoir Exploration Well

T. Sato,  K. Osato,  S. Takasugi,  T. Uchida,  

[Paper #]SANE97-84


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