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 Results 41 - 60 of 184 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OCS, ITE-BCT, OFT, IEE-CMN [detail] 2019-11-21
Yamaguchi Kaikyo-Messe-Shimonoseki Quantum noise spectrum in fiber-based nondegenerate phase-sensitive amplification considering Raman scattering
Kyo Inoue (Osaka Univ.) OCS2019-63
Wavelength dependence of quantum noise in nondegenerate phase-sensitive amplification in an optical fiber is theoretical... [more] OCS2019-63
Tokyo Gakushuin University Conditions for equivalence of magic state distillation protocols in prime dimension at least 5
Yasuhiro Kondo, Ryuhei Mori (Tokyo Tech)
Magic state distillation protocol is necessary for quantum fault-tolerant computation.
There are two well-known methods... [more]

Tokyo Gakushuin University [Poster Presentation] Analysis on Quantum Annealing Based on the Quantum Adiabatic Master Equation
Takayuki Suzuki, Shota Nagayama (Mercari)
The dynamics of quantum annealing machine is not well known because it is still noisy, and the promise of the machine is... [more]
IT 2019-09-06
Oita Yufuin Kenshujo, Nippon Bunri University Application of quantum Pinsker inequality -- Contribution of Umegaki and Ohya --
Osamu Hirota (Tamagawa Univ.) IT2019-30
In the 1960s, Shikao Ikehara promoted the research of Hisaharu Umegaki in the field of a pure mathematics, based on the W... [more] IT2019-30
ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, HWS, BioX, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2019-07-24
Kochi Kochi University of Technology A Performance Analysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman with Several Classes of the Quadratic Extension Fields
Yuki Nanjo (Okayama Univ.), Masaaki Shirase (Future Univ. Hakodate), Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama Univ.) ISEC2019-36 SITE2019-30 BioX2019-28 HWS2019-31 ICSS2019-34 EMM2019-39
It is well-known that the class of binomial extension field (BEF) is widely used to construct a quadratic extension fiel... [more] ISEC2019-36 SITE2019-30 BioX2019-28 HWS2019-31 ICSS2019-34 EMM2019-39
LQE, LSJ 2019-05-31
Shiga   High-speed operation of a quantum cascade detector
Tatsuo Dougakiuchi, Akio Ito, Masahiro Hitaka, Kazuue Fujita, Tadataka Edamura (HPK) LQE2019-19
We report a high-speed operation of a quantum cascade detector (QCD) which is a mid-infrared photodetector using intersu... [more] LQE2019-19
Fukuoka Kyushu University, Chikushi Campus Heralded amplification of nonlocality via entanglement swapping for long-distance device-independent quantum key distribution
Yoshiaki Tsujimoto (NICT), Chenglong You (LSU), Kentaro Wakui, Mikio Fujiwara, Kazuhiro Hayasaka, Shigehito Miki, Hirotaka Terai, Masahide Sasaki (NICT), Jonathan P. Dowling (LSU), Masahiro Takeoka (NICT)
To realize the practical implementation of device-independent quantum key distribution~(DIQKD), the main difficulty is t... [more]
Fukuoka Kyushu University, Chikushi Campus Exponential-Time Quantum Algorithm for Graph Coloring Problem
Kazuya Shimizu, Ryuhei Mori (TiTech)
In this work, we show an exponential-time quantum algorithm for the graph k-coloring problem, which is one of the well-k... [more]
LQE, OPE, SIPH 2018-12-06
Tokyo Keio University Numerical design of MQW with enhanced polarization-dependent phase shift for efficient Stokes-vector modulator
Peng Zhou, Yoshiaki Nakano, Takuo Tanemura (Univ. Tokyo) OPE2018-117 LQE2018-127 SIPH2018-33
We propose to use InGaAsP three-step asymmetric coupled multiple quantum wells (MQWs) based phase shifter to obtain enha... [more] OPE2018-117 LQE2018-127 SIPH2018-33
ED, LQE, CPM 2018-11-30
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. A new method to evaluate the degree of potential fluctuation in InGaN quantum-well laser diodes by optical-pump stimulated-emission measurements
Itsuki Oshima, Yuma Ikeda, Shigeta Sakai, A. A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. tec.), Yuya Kanitani, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2018-49 CPM2018-83 LQE2018-103
It is well-known that the characteristics of InGaN quantum-well (QW) laser diodes are strongly affected by the potential... [more] ED2018-49 CPM2018-83 LQE2018-103
- 2018-11-27
Tokyo The University of Tokyo [Invited Talk] [Invited Talk] The theory of quantum statistical comparison and some applications in quantum information sciences
Francesco Buscemi (Nagoya Univ.)
In this talk I will review some central concepts in the theory of statistical comparison and its extensions to the quant... [more]
Tokyo The University of Tokyo Statistical Independence and Zero Correlation: Classical and Quantum
Toru Ohira (Nagoya Univ.)
We normally perceive quantum phenomena as ``strange'' which do not match our classical intuitions. Here, we intentionall... [more]
Tokyo The University of Tokyo Entanglement prethermalization
Eriko Kaminishi (Keio Univ.), Takashi Mori (RIKEN), Tatsuhiko Ikeda (Univ. of Tokyo), Masahito Ueda (Univ. of Tokyo/RIKEN)
A well-isolated system often shows relaxation to a quasi-stationary state before reaching thermal equilibrium.
Such a ... [more]

Tokyo The University of Tokyo [Poster Presentation] Uncertainty relation from parameter estimation of the position of an electron in a uniform magnetic field
Shin Funada, Jun Suzuki (UEC)
We derive the uncertainty relation for the position of an electron in a uniform magnetic field by the parameter estimati... [more]
Tokyo The University of Tokyo [Poster Presentation] Maxwell's Demon Controlling Erectric Current: Quantum Master Equation Approach
Kenta Koshihara, Teruo Matsubara, Kazuya Yuasa (Waseda Univ.)
We investigate a model of Maxwell's demon, in which the demon tries to realize a demonic backward flow of electric curre... [more]
SITE, ISEC, LOIS 2018-11-04
Fukuoka   An improvement on Winternitz OTS with puncturing of signing keys
Yukichi Kashiwakura, Yuichi Kaji (Nagoya Univ.) ISEC2018-80 SITE2018-58 LOIS2018-40
A hash-based digital signature is a quantum-immune alternative of conventional digital signatures. This study improves a... [more] ISEC2018-80 SITE2018-58 LOIS2018-40
SCE 2018-08-09
Aichi Toyohashi University of Technology Design of Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron Integrated Circuits Using an Automated Placement Tool Based on Genetic Algorithms
Tomoyuki Tanaka, Christopher Ayala, XU Qiuyun, Ro Saito, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa (Yokohama National Univ.) SCE2018-16
Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron (AQFP) circuits are known as high-energy-efficiency circuits. They operate at 5 to 10 ... [more] SCE2018-16
HWS, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2018-07-26
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center A New Embedding Method for Generalized LWE
Weiyao Wang, Yuntao Wang, Atsushi Takayasu, Tsuyoshi Takagi (Univ. Tokyo) ISEC2018-46 SITE2018-38 HWS2018-43 ICSS2018-49 EMM2018-45
Estimating the computational cost for solving learning with errors (LWE) problem is an indispensable research topic to u... [more] ISEC2018-46 SITE2018-38 HWS2018-43 ICSS2018-49 EMM2018-45
Hiroshima ICCH Ran Mathematical theory of the Feynman path integral for quantum continuous measurements of position and spin of particles
Wataru Ichinose (Sunshu Univ.)
In this talk we will show that the restricted Feynman path integrals or the weighted Feynman path integrals, proposed by... [more]
Hiroshima ICCH Ran Optimal conditions for Bell test using a spontaneous parametric down-conversion source
Yoshiaki Tsujimoto, Kentaro Wakui, Mikio Fujiwara, Kazuhiro Hayasaka, Shigehito Miki, Hirotaka Terai, Masahide Sasaki, Masahiro Takeoka (NICT)
Loophole-free violation of the Bell inequality
is not only one of the most striking features of quantum mechanics,
b... [more]

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