The 49th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT49)
Scope of the Symposium: This symposium is on quantum information science,
which is a new interdisciplinary area of information science and quantum
Presentations can be given in English as well as in Japanese.
- Date: Dec 17th 14:00 - 19th 12:00, 2023
- ( English sessions will be held in the morning of the 18th as a joint symposium with OIST. )
Please note that we may ask you to give a presentation in the above session if you have requested to give a presentation in English on the following page.
- Venue: OIST Auditorium, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (Tancha 1919-1, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan)
Free shuttle bus service will be available as below.
- 12/17 (to OIST) 12:20 Departure from Naha Airport Central Bus Parking Lot - 1:30pm Arrival at OIST
(If there are too many people, you may not be able to board.)
- 12/17 (to hotels) 6:30pm Departure from OIST - Each stop
- 12/18 (1) 8am Start of service - 08:50am Arrival at OIST (2) 6pm Departure from OIST - Each stop
- 12/19 (1) 8am Start of service - 08:50am Arrival at OIST (2) 11:30am Departure from OIST - Directly to the airport
- Bus route and nearby hotel information.
- Expected number of participants: up to 250
- Registration fee (electronic proceedings included): 5,000 yen, Student: 3,000 yen (including dinner during the poster session on 17th.)
- Registration and Payment should be made online by 17th Dec 2023.
- Note: If you select "Lunch box on the first day", the number of participants will be displayed as "2" due to the system, but that is fine.
- Since there are few restaurants within walking distance around OIST, the poster session and reception will be held together in the evening of the first day, the 17th.
We ask that all attendees participate and a banquet fee of 2,000 yen will be charged.
We apologize for the inconvenience to those who had planned not to attend the banquet, but we would appreciate your understanding and cooperation to simplify the system operation and administrative procedures.
- Thanks to the support of several companies below, we will be able to provide free lunch for everyone on the second day.
- Accommodation
- Free accommodation (OIST Seaside House) is available for students on a first-come, first-served basis. (Capacity: 44 people).
- If you wish to stay at the Seaside House, please indicate so in the box at the end of the registration page.
- You will share a room with a roommate. If you have a request for your roommate, please indicate the name of the person in the box as well.
- Please also refer to the Google Map link above for a list of reasonably priced hotels in the area.
- Invited Talks:
- Dr. Fernando Quijandria Diaz (OIST) "Three-photon interactions for continuous-variable quantum information with microwaves."
- Dr. Ezra Kassa (OIST) "On the integration of miniature optical cavities with a linear ion trap for quantum networking"
- Dr. Eisuke Abe (RIKEN) "Superconducting route to quantum computing"
- Dr. Shingo Kono (EPFL) "Ultra-coherent and scalable superconducting circuit optomechanics"
- Topics: (Submissions may be refereed according to the number of
- quantum computation
- quantum algorithm
- quantum computation models
- quantum complexity theory
- quantum programming language
- geometric quantum computing
- quantum computing devices
- optical quantum computing
- solid state quantum computing
- NMR quantum computing
- cold atom/ion quantum computing
- quantum information
- quantum cryptography
- quantum communication
- quantum estimation
- quantum measurement
- uncertainty
- quantum tomography
- completely positive maps
- quantum error correction
- decoherence
- quantum noise
- quantum coding theory
- fault-tolerant quantum computing
- quantum entanglement
- entanglement theory
- entanglement manipulation
- quantum teleportation
- non-locality
- contextuality
- quantum optics
- single photon generation
- entanglement production
- photon state control
- photon detection
- condensed matter physics
- relativistic quantum information theory
- Student Presentation Award: Open for application to students. See here for details (Sorry it's in Japanese).
- Deadlines:
Dec. 3rd 2023 for Oral presentation Closed.
Dec 10th 2023 for Poster presentation Closed.
Dec 10th 2023 for PDF manuscript submission Closed.
- Dec 17th 2023 for Registration and Payment
- For further information, please contact ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (E-mail: qit49(-AT-)[Please replace (-AT-) with @.]
- Chair: Yuimaru Kubo (OIST)
- Co-chair:
- Hiroki Takahashi (OIST)
- Kae Nemoto (OIST)
- Thomas Busch (OIST)
- Sponsored by Quantum Information Technology Committee (The Institute of
Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers)
Chairman: Masahiro Takeoka (Keio University)
- Cosponsored by Quantum Electronics Professional Group, the Japan Society of Applied Physics; Institute for Advanced Science.
- Cosponsored by Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Kyoto University.
QIT49 will be sponsored by the following companies.
- The followings are the URLs for registration.
Note: If you select "Lunch box on the first day", the number of participants will be displayed as "2" due to the system, but that is fine.)
[Submission page] for speakers (oral and poster): Close
- Students who wish to apply for the Student Presentation Award should add "Student Presentation Award" to the head of the "Abstract" form.
- In principle, there will be no peer review, but due to scheduling conflicts, it may not be possible to allocate a presentation time to everyone who wishes to give an oral presentation.
In such cases, we will notify you to change your presentation to a poster presentation.
- Privacy Notice
- QIT uses the personal information provided by registrants to organize
the symposium properly and to communicate with registrants.
- All personal information provided for QIT, including all duplicates,
will be deleted after QIT.
- Contact address for an inquiry about personal information
Organizers of Quantum Information Technology
E-mail: qit.kanji(-AT-) [Please replace (-AT-) with @]
For Authors
For Participants
- Photos (including screenshots) and video recordings of oral presentations and posters are prohibited unless specific permission is granted.
For those wishing to attend the conference for reporting or consultation
- In order to find out about the rules and regulations for the recording of
information at QIT meetings, please contact the QIT organizers, if
possible two weeks before the deadline of pre-registration.
If this
deadline has already passed, you should still contact the organizers,
even if it is only on the day of the meeting.
- qit.kanji(-AT-) [Please replace (-AT-) with @]